October 19

Nearby: Rash of burglaries over last several days



Over the weekend we mentioned a nearby block watch keeping a close eye on suspicious activity.

Now Max emails to tell us about a spate of break-ins in what he describes as “north Ravenna/south Maple Leaf/west Wedgwood:

I am one of the block watch captains on the 77XX block of 18th Avenue Northeast and I am writing to let you know about a rash of burglaries that have been taking place in the area: two on our block a few days ago and three in the vicinity (80th and 20th, 72nd and 20th, 80th and 19th).

The SPD crime map also shows a couple more that may or may not be related.  The burglars appear to be a pair of black men, usually wearing baggy clothes.  They are stealing mostly cash, some jewelry, some electronics, but they are not cleaning people’s houses out or trashing them.

They have contacted the police and block watch program.

We last wrote about burglars on Oct. 5, when police caught two of them. Since then the only home burglary reported by police inside Maple Leaf was on  Oct. 11, in the 8300 block of Fifth Avenue Northeast.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. Mormans, yes let’s keep them in SLC. Glad you carry too. As to the line, I agree with you. However, you have a burden of proof in WA, not so much in Dallas.

  2. The gun goes with me, which means that it won’t be stolen from my house should the burglars come while I’m out.

    I’m not puffing my chest; I’m making a rational argument that should appeal to a potential burglar. So far they’ve been lucky with their targets. It *is* Seattle after all, not Dallas. But these people need to know that home invasion is a grave violence that can be met with violence.

    I assume any burglar I meet in my home intends felonious assault upon me. I don’t intend to let him carry it out.

    And before you say it…

    The mailman wears a uniform.
    The City Light meter reader wears a vest.
    Mormons wears suit and tie.
    And most importantly, while all will walk onto my property, none will barge into my house. That’s the line.

  3. The bad guys are now looking for your guns. I hope they find them soon. (and you all are good shots). I do not like bad guys either.

  4. make it a .40 S&W for me, or a 12 ga, or 5.56mm… depends on the day really.

    These burglars are in a risky business. I wish they would just wise up and go away.

  5. I know you guys are puffing your chests for effect, but it is pretty irrational to imply that it is worth killing somebody who is trying to take your TV or jewelry.

    Yes, yes, I know it is justifiable if you think you are at risk for harm.

  6. Just in case the burglars happen to read this blog, this might be some useful info for them.

    I live in the area, often work from home during the day, and keep a 9mm pistol at the ready. Pick the wrong house and you’ll get a free trip to the morgue.

  7. There was a young white guy on a squeaky bicycle circling several blocks near 80th and Roosevelt in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. There was a lot of stuff on the back. That seemed a little odd but then, I’m out walking at odd hours; I at least am going from one place to another and not in circles.

  8. We are on 97th and 8th ave. Saw a guy walking up the streeets looking down driveways. Watched him for 15 min and he disappeared. Called police, no response…..

  9. I think that same guy knocked on my door with the same story yesterday. I live in the vicinity of NE 70th St and 35th Ave NE. Black, skinny, and on a bike? It was sketchy.

  10. No idea if this is related or not but a man approached me yesterday in front of my house on 17th and 80th with the “I just moved into the neighborhood, I’m locked out of my house, I need three more dollars” scam. When I declined to give him money, he left, rather angrily. He didn’t look like he was casing the street but you never know.

    Here’s one of our posts on the locked-out whatever scammers. -Mike

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