Since our last post, we’ve received this email:
This is Jason Beardriel, the new president of the Maple Leaf Community
Council. I saw the post on Maple Leaf Life and wanted to give you and the
neighborhood an update.By last autumn, the Maple Leaf Community Council executive board had
dwindled to just four members and we all became quite busy with personal
and work lives. Unfortunately, the Maple Leaf Community Council took a back
seat to other responsibilities until we could rededicate ourselves this
spring.I stepped in as President in late March and have been busy working with the
board and Donna Hartmann-Miller to get us back on track. We’ve had two
recent board meetings, and we’ll welcome several new board members in the
coming weeks who will bring new skills and fresh ideas….We’re also in the process of changing web hosts to avoid the constant
problems with our website’s reliability. I’m hoping the website will be up
later this week.Our next General Meeting will be June 14 at Olympic View. Part of the
agenda for that meeting will be to seek the neighborhood’s guidance in
establishing our future priorities. For those interested in joining the
board, the easiest way to reach out is to email