November 1

Halloween 2015: A record breaker



Photo courtesy Marcus Donner.

What weather?

Halloween 2015 broke all records for trick-or-treating here at the Maple Leaf Dog Oasis.

Kids in costume = 232. (Adults in costume = 33. Dogs = 6.)

The previous record was set in 2013, with 152 kids.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. Not much action over here on Latona. Maybe a bit over 20 is tally. We have sidewalks too but a lot of houses are up off the street. It seems these days you’re either on a popular block or not at all. 🙁
    But I get it. I hope the people on the busy street don’t mind spending $$$ on candy!

  2. 12th was so crowded with trick-or-treaters, it was like Times Square. Glad you had such a good turnout. For us, east of 15th, not so much…we had 6 trick-or-treaters, including my son and his friend twice.

  3. That’s actually quite amazing. Assuming 1 parent per child, 200 of them went without adult supervision, which means apparently it’s safe for kids to walk in our neighborhood at night.
    So why are there so many cars dropping kids off at Olympic View?
    MLL: Actually, we only counted adults in costumes. There were many more biggers lurking in the shadows.

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