October 14

Mystery camera on 15th N.E. and N.E. 98th St.



A neighbor emails this afternoon:

Do you guys have any information about the traffic camera (see attached photos) newly mounted today at the intersection of 15th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 98th Street?

It’s from a company called “All Traffic Data,” and it’s mounted onto a normal traffic sign, but extends up about 20 feet with a camera that looks like it’s pointed directly into the middle of the intersection. Is that for enforcement, or are they studying something—maybe considering a light or something?

We don’t have any information about that specific installation (but will try and get some).

All Traffic Data is a company that works in several states, including Washington, providing:

Average Daily Traffic Counts (Volume, Speed & Classification)

Turning Movement Counts (Volume & Classification)

Origin-Destination Studies (Video or Manual)

Radar Speed Studies

Gap and Delay Studies

Travel Time Delay Studies

GPS Inventory

Road Condition Inventories

Pedestrian Studies

Saturation Flow Studies

Parking Lot Studies

And Northeast 98th Street is the main connector crossing Lake City Way in that area.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. Not only do people drive past the DNE sign while residents watch, they double down by speeding.

    My favorite folks are those who tailgate me because I slow down at every intersection that has a traffic circle. I know, I know, it must be me who doesn’t have magic vision to see around blind corners…

  2. Wish that traffic camera had been placed there to catch all those @&$%# people who drive through the “Do Not Enter” sign on 98th and 15th (for those heading west). My glares and gesticulations do not seem to be deterring them one bit!

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