November 5

Ready for next year's very local City Council election?



Update 11/08: Crosscut has a discussion of district politics here.

Now that the 2014 elections are over….

It’s time to think of the 2015 Seattle City Council election. Which is to say, something completely different from previous years.

For 2015, we’re electing our City Council by district (ward). Only two of the nine council members will run at large (citywide).

Most of Maple Leaf is in Council District 5, with a small piece (roughly south of a line drawn through the middle of Maple Leaf Reservoir Park) in Council District 4.

None of the current council members live in District 5. So far a former Methodist pastor, Sanford “Sandy” Brown, has announced his candidacy, as has Halei Watkins, a Planned Parenthood political organizer, according to our news partner The Seattle Times.

The Stranger has recent interviews with Watkins and Brown.

Brown, 56, lives in Licton Springs. Watkins, 26, lives in Northgate.

Sanford’s web site is here. Watkins’ is here.

As for Council District 4, incumbent Jean Godden, 83, says she’s running again, according to The Times. She’s been joined by Michael Maddux, 33. And today an email arrived saying Taso G. Lagos, “a member of one of our North End’s most beloved families,” will announce next week.

As for the two citywide positions, incumbent Tim Burgess has declared he’ll run for District 8 and incumbent Sally Clark for District 9.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. Congrats to Sandy Brown for his excellent work on Initiative 594. I’m excited he’s running for D5. He will make Seattle proud.

  2. I don’t know Halei is altogether wrong, in that having underground parking would increase housing cost. I do recall that our city council has now said NO parking is required in our urban centers ( single family excepted) I don’t know how many tenants one would attract with zero parking but whatever. Yeah, wouldn’t make underground parking a big talking point if I was running

  3. Halei, I admit I like your story as a candidate. Stay away from the falsehood that underground parking is the reason for housing being so expensive around here. The two are completely unrelated. Good luck.

  4. ….not giving into developers who are ‘forced’ to build underground garages when people don’t need them?

    Helloooo? Even the new Greenlake PCC understands that parking is a necessity. They have a terrific underground garage that serves the Greenlake area. And it is a great addition!!

    Did I get that one right?????? I will be looking for the candidate that understands that if there must be urban density, then you must, MUST also provide parking.

    I will look for the candidate that not only supports Maple leaf to be a livable community/neighborhood, but one who directly takes our interests to heart and not every progressive cause.

    I am also skeptical of any candidate who would align with the individual who worked on Mayor McGinn’s campaign.

    Bikes are nice. However, cars are nice, too…for those of us who shop, run errands, and you know, do not ride a bike in the rain and sleet.

    Any candidate out there willing to speak for those of us who do have cars and do not want to be forced into a road diet or onto a bike (other than recreation)?

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