September 24

North Precinct might just be too short-staffed to respond



For those of you who have been wondering where the police are when allegedly stolen safes show up or when other nonviolent crimes take place in Maple Leaf, a memo leaked to explains what could be to blame.

According to the confidential memo, the detectives at the North Precinct are simply too short-staffed to investigate most burglaries:

A police source said that unless burglary detectives have a suspect’s name, evidence photos or surveillance footage, and complete witness interviews, it’s unlikely a case will even get worked let alone solved. …

The memo says at one point, 14 detectives worked burglary, theft and juvenile cases for the north precinct. Today it’s down to two detectives and an on-loan patrol officer, even though the memo says cases have climbed to 1,500 a month. The memo concludes, “misdemeanor and even many felony crimes can no longer be investigated except on a very rare, case by case basis.”

But don’t worry, the Seattle Police Department doesn’t want us to think this is an invitation for burglars and other petty criminals to come prowling in Maple Leaf. According to

The Seattle Police Department insists it’s not turning a blind eye to burglaries in the north end, despite reports the north precinct is too short staffed to investigate most incidents.

And a spokesperson also has said that burglary cases also are investigated by the major crimes task force.

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  1. I feel like this has always been the case, it’s nothing new. When I had a hit and run 10 years ago and a house break in 5 years ago, the police showed up eventually, but always said they weren’t going to do anything about it. When my wife’s iPhone was stolen and we could track exactly what house it was at, the police wouldn’t help, I had to go confront the thief on my own. I feel like the police are pretty useless.

  2. Well, this is encouraging for residents of Maple Leaf.

    Just supports the thought that people need to worry about themselves more and take extra precautions to try and help prevent these crimes from happening. Remember to lock doors, close windows, don’t leave valuables in plain sight, etc…

  3. The police refused to come out and take a report when my garage was burglarized. They wouldn’t even answer the phone number we were given.

    The earlier article about crime in maple left not increasing can’t be right if the police don’t take reports.

  4. Lots of concealed carry and gun owners in the Seattle area. The lax attitude of SPD and the amount of burglaries before someone shoots and kills a burglar or the intruders hurt someone.

    The superior court has ruled that police have no duty to protect you. They are understaffed and worked too thin. When seconds count the police will be there in tens of minutes.

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