November 10

A bird list for Maple Leaf Reservoir Park



NOTE: We’re updating the list as people add comments. Thanks!

From time to time (actually, more than two dozen times) we report on bird sightings in the neighborhood.

And now, we have a new park!

Put those two together and it’s obvious that what Maple Leaf needs is a list of birds spotted at, or from, Maple Leaf Reservoir Park.

Many birders have a “yard list” of species seen on or from their property. Here at Maple Leaf Life South, our list totals 47 48 (Hammond’s Flycatcher) 49 (Pileated Woodpecker). 50 (Merlin!) 51 Dunlin (!)

That pales when compared with the yard list compiled by Maple Leaf resident Dennis Paulson. It totals 113 avian species since 1991.

It helps that he lives above Thornton Creek. Also helps that he’s Dennis Paulson, director emeritus of The Slater Museum of Natural History at the University of Puget Sound. (He also wants to hear from neighbors who spot native wildlife here.)

Back to the park. While it was under construction, and since it opened, we’ve kept an informal list of birds we’ve seen there. So far it’s 38 species as of Nov. 10, 2013). We’d like it to grow.

* Bushtit
* Black-capped Chickadee
* Chestnut-backed Chickadee
* American Crow
*Rock Dove
* Dunlin
* Bald Eagle
* Peregrine Falcon
* House Finch
* Northern Flicker
* Canada Goose
* Glaucous-winged Gull (showing some hybridization with Western Gull – thanks, Dennis)
* Western Gull
* Cooper’s Hawk (being chased by crows) ALSO sitting in birch tree at park’s north side
* Sharp-shinned Hawk
* Great Blue Heron
* Anna’s Hummingbird (heard AND seen)
* Steller’s Jay
* Dark-eyed Junco
* Killdeer
* Golden-crowned Kinglet
* Mallard (Easter 2015)
* Merlin
* Red-breasted Nuthatch
* Osprey
*American Robin
* Golden-crowned Sparrow
* House Sparrow
* Savannah Sparrow
* Song Sparrow
* White-crowned Sparrow
* European Starling
* Barn Swallow
* Violet-green Swallow
* Trumpeter Swan
* Spotted Towhee
* Townsend’s Warbler (Thanks, Fulano, who says: NE Corner, Saturday, 2014-05-17, 11:15 a.m.)
* Wilson’s Warbler
* Bewick’s Wren

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. Saw a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers near Park Six last week, took pics.

    Have seen a Barred Owl, have a photo around here somewhere.

    A Merlin taking a startled Robin.

    Of course, Bald Eagles.

    Heron, Wood Duck, Flicker, Red Finch.

    Anna’s Hummingbirds

    These are all near Thornton Creek.

    We see many, many thousands of crows flying the creek line east to St. Edwards every evening. I suppose the fly west in the morning, but too early for this bird.

  2. In late summer I often heard a seagull or two chasing an eagle (turf war, I suppose) and could see them above the park area.

    I saw many Canada geese in the park before it was open (did they not see the signs and fences?).

  3. here is a common one missed: Seagull
    Editor: We saw a gull today but couldn’t tell which one. (Gulls are not our strong suit.) Dennis Paulson suggests Glaucous-winged Gulls are likely.

  4. Well, what are CROWS… chopped liver? – if they were chasing a hawk, how come the chasers are not on the list? Or did they stop @ Roosevelt…?
    Editor: I put them back in. They were there originally but I think I pasted American Robin over American Crow.

  5. Well, we definitely know there have been Canadian geese there! Haven’t been since the opening weekend…how is the goose poop situation?
    Editor: Canine presence helping greatly with goose poop….

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