October 23

Check out the new street mural on 98th!



Maple Leaf finally has its own street mural!

Photos submitted by neighbor Barb Steffens, the artist who designed the street mural.

Over the weekend, neighbors on Northeast 98th Street between 15th and 12th avenues northeast came together to paint this street mural.

Maple Leaf artist Rachel Marcotte first brought up the topic of a neighborhood street mural in summer 2010, after her involvement with two street murals in Wallingford. Neighbors were divided on the issue, so the idea eventually fizzled out.

UPDATE: Neighbors tell us this mural was designed by Barb Steffens, although she gives credit to Ylanda Thomas Todd for starting the project, who tells us:

We weren’t aware of the previous mapleleaf project until we were well into our project. The inspiration was informed by Portland’s fantastic community building efforts.

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend’s activities:

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  1. This was a great project and the neighbors were very supportive. The DOT has a very straightforward process for making this happen and it all went smoothly – kudos to all.

  2. Great Job 98th!! I thought all the negative feed back from earlier proposal was so short sighted. I’m sure the traffic snarls and loss of home value will NOT come to fruition. Can’t wait to stroll over.

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