June 8

Reminder to not keep valuables in vehicles



At least two Maple Leaf neighbors on Northeast 97th Street between Roosevelt Way and Eighth Avenue Northeast woke up to a smashed windows Friday morning.

The neighbor we spoke with said nothing was taken and that the door wasn’t even unlocked, which she said was actually more frustrating since it appears to simply be a random act of violence. There’s also the possibility somebody spooked the would-be prowlers, but regardless, it’s a good reminder to always remove valuables from your vehicle.

The neighbor also noted that she had just lowered her deductible to zero, which might be a good thing for Maple Leafers who park on our neighborhood streets to consider.

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  1. With the new predictive policing system, the more we call and report these things the more police patrols we get in the neighborhood. If you aren’t reporting thefts or breakins, you aren’t helping your neighborhood.

    Please make sure to share this with your neighbors. ALWAYS call 9-1-1 to report crime, no matter how minor.


  2. @Jeffery Herman:

    I sure see them congregating and patrolling the heck out of coffee shops in Seattle though. They can’t stop the burglars but could sure give you some great incite and reviews on where to get the best latte’s and donuts.

  3. For all the exorbitant taxes we pay in Seattle, you’d think the police would show some interest in patrolling the neighborhood. I think they should place bait cars and surveillance cameras, and actually arrest some criminals.

  4. My neighbor’s car window was also smashed overnight Thursday/Friday, nothing to steal in the car. 500 block of NE 115th.

  5. Our ’99 Subaru was stolen from our driveway about 4:00am this morning (on Brooklyn nr 75th). We saw it being driven away. The officer told us older Subaru’s without the chip key have been a frequent target in the area.

  6. Reduce deductibles? How about nabbing some of the thieves?

    The prowler problem in Maple Leaf is out of hand. We haven’t even lived here a year and the car has been through twice, the motorcycle had it’s cover stolen and we had an amazon delivery stolen from our porch. When the amazon delivery was stolen, the guy left a bunch of our neigbours mail on the grass.

    I think there actually needs to be some enforcement.

    Possibly bait cars to take out a few of the swipers.

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