June 3

Bids below estimate for Northgate Link Extension



Since Sound Transit’s update May 23 on the Northgate Link Extension, the agency has announced that it received six bids below its $594 estimate for the 3.4-miles of tunnels from Husky Stadium to Northgate Station.

The bids ranged from $440 million to $517 million for the twin tunnels, which are the largest single piece of work on the $2.1 billion Northgate Link Extension project. According to the news release:

The winning contractor will launch two tunnel boring machines from the Roosevelt Station site to excavate the tunnels to the U District Station and on to the University of Washington Station at Husky Stadium. A third tunnel boring machine will be launched from the Maple Leaf Portal near NE 94th Street and will bore two tunnels, one after the other, to the Roosevelt station. The work is scheduled to begin late this year and last just over four years.

Also, if you missed that meeting but still want to add your 2 cents to the project’s progress, you can catch all of the information that was available at the open house on the Northgate Link Extension project archive.

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  1. Northgate Link construction will start with demolition work in the Roosevelt area. Next year, Sound Transit plans to select a contractor to excavate the underground stations and use tunnel-boring machines to construct twin 3.7-mile tunnels from north of the Roosevelt neighborhood to the University of Washington Station. Tunneling is slated to begin in late 2014.

  2. ecdoesit, while I don’t know the bid numbers, the portion of the light rail that’s already in service came in on time and under budget. Just sayin’

  3. It’s a gov’t project so it is guaranteed to come in over budget. I’m willing to guess 20%. they will throw out some excuse like,”we didn’t realize the type of rock we had to excavate would be so heavy that the fuel cost went up”

  4. I think its a case of the old under bid the project because you know it will end up going over budget and they will get paid because you can’t stop a project like that once it started.

    Yes, by glass is half empty this morning 🙂

  5. Maybe now they can afford to install a sidewalk through to connect with the sidewalks on Roosevelt? Pick a street, any street from 100th to 105th. 103rd makes the most sense, topographically speaking. They are already running a sidewalk thru to NE 8th at 103rd, just one more block and we have a logical connection to the sidewalks on Roosevelt. Heck, let’s get sidewalks on 100th, 103rd and 105th!

  6. Maybe now they can afford to install a sidewalk through to connect with the sidewalks on Roosevelt? Pick a street, any street from 100th to 105th. 103rd makes the most sense, topographically speaking. They are already running a sidewalk thru to NE 8th at 103rd, just one more block and we have a logical connection to the sidewalks on Roosevelt. Heck, let’s get sidewalks on 100th, 103rd 1nd 105th!

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