November 14

Come to Tuesday night’s Road Safety Summit at Northgate



Update: The mayor’s office promises to live stream the summit here.


Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, who called for a Road Safety Summit after recent bicycling deaths, and Seattle City Council members are holding a north end public forum at the Northgate Community Center on Tuesday Nov. 15.

The summit runs from 6-8 p.m. at the center,  10510 5th Ave. N.E., and will center around three basic questions:

1. What do you think are the highest priority safety problems to solve on Seattle roads?

2. What do you think are the most important things to do to make Seattle roads safer?

3. We often talk about what government can do to promote safety. What are the ways that non-governmental groups and individuals can promote safety?

Conclusions are due Dec. 12.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. A huge thank you to squad car #144 of SPD’s North Precinct that stopped for me on 5th Ave this afternoon. May the holiday season bring you joy, love, peace, and happiness.

    It wasn’t a designated crosswalk and I was trying to cross at an intersection. My traffic laws on ped-xing’s is rusty but you made my day as I attempted to do the right thing and not jaywalk. No one else would stop. Sigh.

  2. I live right by that strip of Lake City Way, honestly, there are not a lot of accidents along there from speed. The guy who caused the fatal accident hit a parked car going 70 and has done it and killed before. I’d rather see efforts focus on areas where there are continuous problems, rather than a one time accident. I got the paperwork to get a traffic circle in the intersection of 90th and 20th, one block off Lake City Way. It’s a neighborhood intersection that people speed through cutting off Lake City when it’s backed up, it’s had two major accidents this past year, including sending one car into my house. And a truck went through my neighbors house a few years earlier. That seems more like the type of project to focus on… even though I’m not a fan of the traffic circles, I think it beats the current alternative.

  3. Excellent meeting last night. The room was filled and the discussion was constructive and smart. I was impressed by the number of feasible, inexpensive and helpful ideas that people shared. I A few of most common comments: increase education for all users, enforce existing laws, and promote civility and respect between users of different modes. Nice job!

  4. I retract my statement above. I just read the latest article on the Lake City Way crash on the Seattle Times website. The guy driving has/had major issues.

    He had a prior DUI charge and had a vehicular homicide charge reduced by pleading guilty in 2009. On 15th ave west near Interbay he was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic when he crashed into three cars and killed a 65 year old woman. He really has to have some issues up stairs if he didn’t learn after killing someone.

  5. Susan is right. The driver of the SUV may have had a seizure or some other medical event. We should hear more about it soon.

    Regardless, speeding is an issue, but I am not sure that the fatal crash on Lake City was just some person speeding for the heck of it.

  6. The speed when leaving I5 to Lake City usually isn’t too bad. The speed picks up after the light at 15th. I have seen so many people blow through the light at 98th.
    There is some thought that the SUV driver on Lake City who rearended the smaller car at the stoplight, may have had a siezure or something.

  7. Cost will be invoked as a reason to put off things that aren’t pet projects unless WE make it a priority. But we have to say it over and over at every opportunity, even when we are repeating ourselves. And I think sidewalks and crosswalks focused on the streets around and leading up to schools and parks ought to be a priority.

    I think the speed indicator as people get off the freeway on Lake City Way is a REALLY smart idea. I bet the city will say it is a state roadway and we need to get it from the state.

  8. Joel beat me to it. Second the motion, drivers coming from freeway tend to conserve their velocity. Cost is nominal and it could be implemented before Thanksgiving.
    Donna’s right, but the cost will be invoked as a reason to put it off. How about pledging 5% of the street budget towards sidewalks until such time as sidewalks line every residential street?

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