February 16

Keep up with progress at Maple Leaf Reservoir Park



After a driver crashed through the building at the corner of Roosevelt Way Northeast and Northeast 86th Street in September, the posters hung there that kept us updated on events and other progress at the Maple Leaf Reservoir Park had to temporarily come down.

But the exterior of the building at 8521 Roosevelt Way N.E. since has been repaired, and our connection to the project due for completion next year is back.

You can check out plans for the park there, and you can see more detailed plans via previous Maple Leaf Life posts or on the city’s Maple Leaf Reservoir Parks and Green Spaces Levy Project Information website.

Donna Hartmann-Miller, who heads the volunteer Friends for a Greater Maple Leaf Park committee, also has provided us with sketches of the artwork proposed by Patrick Marold for the park.

In an earlier post, Marold, who lives in Denver, explained that the sculpture would combine boulders from the two water sources that will be stored in the Maple Leaf Reservoir, the Cedar River Watershed and the Tolt River Watershed.

Because of the sculpture’s weight, it may have to be moved from its original location on top of the reservoir, but we will let you know when it finds a permanent location.

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  1. I wish that warehouse that got crashed into could be a cafe, a little market, or a restaurant or something. It’s a nice location that warrants more than an an old storage space.

    Personally I think the sculpture looks really interesting. Looking forward to seeing it in a completed park.

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