September 15

Quick update on Maple Leaf crosswalks



The hot topic at tonight’s executive committee meeting  of the Maple Leaf Community Council was crosswalks on Roosevelt Way Northeast.

Bottom line from the Seattle Department of Transportation: The city plans to put in two marked crosswalks, one on Northeast 90th Street between the Perkins School and Maple Leaf Ace Hardware, the other on Northeast 97th Street, which the city thinks of as the northern beginning of Maple Leaf’s business district.

The city’s criteria for marking crosswalks includes visibility, lighting, pedestrian and vehicle volume, and speeds, said Brian Dougherty of the Transportation Department.

Bottom line from the Community Council: We want at least one more crosswalk, on 92nd Avenue Northeast between the Blue Saucer and the 7-Eleven and Roosevelt Highlander Cleaners, among other businesses.

“That’s where two anchor businesses are,” said Marc Phillips, president of the Community Council.

Upshot: There’s likely to be a community meeting before Thanksgiving where neighbors can tell the city what they want in terms of crosswalks.

Stay tuned.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. Great to see Marc Phillips and the MLCC pushing for the 92nd street crosswalk. I was beginning to wonder if they really were watching the SeeClickFix map.

    Keep up the pressure, folks! We really need this crosswalk!

    @cranky: Yikes, you are cranky. Let me buy you a beer!

  2. What’s wrong with you Maple Leaf Life blogger that you can’t use the correct names of any streets. I swear that every single post has a mistake.

    E-W running roads are “streets”. It’s NE 90th St and NE 97th St.

    Avenues run N-S.

    It’s Roosevelt Way NE.

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