July 6

La Bera taking place of Seattle Crab Co.



The Seattle Crab Co. is no longer “Closed for Remodel,” as signs posted last month at the 11-year-old restaurant stated.

Now it’s just closed. But in its location, at 1000 N.E. Northgate Way, a new, family-run restaurant called La Bera is set to open in about two weeks.

Lita Berpan, a University of Washington student whose father, Chetta Berpan, owns the new restaurant, said she’s hoping for an opening date of July 19, which also happens to be her birthday.

She and her brother, Thapana “Map” Berpan, a junior at Lynnwood High School, were at the restaurant Monday as a stream of applicants flocked to the “Now Hiring” sign posted outside the restaurant.

Lita explained that La Bera will be open daily from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. as a coffeehouse, where patrons walk up to the counter to order their coffee, sandwiches, pastries and more, and a sit-down Italian restaurant from 4-9 p.m.

“Our family has been in the restaurant business since our grand-grandma,” she said, adding that among their successes was the popular Asian restaurant Cilantro that was located near the ferry terminal downtown.

Their new restaurant will focus on organic and locally grown foods. Lita said they’ll try to buy from farmers markets and local butchers, and they’ll be sure to include plenty of vegetarian items on the menu.

But they’re still crafting the menu and probably wouldn’t mind a few ideas from future patrons. What would you like to see at the new coffeehouse/Italian restaurant?

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  1. HOORAY for a new local restaurant that is hopefully not a greasy spoon and is a “destination” that could potentially represent the healthier side of Seattle. A place that locals would be proud to bring their visiting out-of-town family & friends to. One that represents NORTHGATE! I’m not a vegetarian or vegan but I would love to see a gluten-free; dairy free menu option or dessert option. Get this. I don’t drink coffee. Shocker for a Seattlite, I know, but I would LOVE to see a good authentic, ultra-rich, high quality Italian hot chocolate and a savory selection of unique gelato flavors offered as a bonus on your menu . . . possible gelato flavors: fig, ginger, lemon, goji berry and the usuals (i.e. have you heard about Ballard’s D’ambrosio? It’s a hit). p.s. is there a way to make gluten-free gnocchi? If so, I’d for sure send many friends your way! Good luck in your final preparations. Jessica, within walking distance of you!

  2. On a slightly unrelated note…. Does anyone happen to know what is happening across the street on the corner of Roosevelt and Northgate? There is a vacant lot there. Would be amazing to have a worthwhile addition to the neighborhood there.

  3. Just an FYI there is already a great new coffee house and cafe located in the same neighborhood on the corner of Roosevelt Way & 114th. It is attached to Great Dog, (where I take my dogs) Their coffee is local favorite Caffe Vita. The baristas are all experienced and pull an awesome shot of espresso. They have A/C and free wifi, homemade pasteries that are made with fresh&organic ingredients. Lunch menu has fresh made humus, two different salads made with local organic greens, and a honey balsamic vinegar to die for. Now for the part that I think is really cool…they have paired up with Great Dog and have a dog friendly side where you and your dog can go inside, order thru a “drive up window” and sit the coolness with other dogs and dog loving folks. I might sound like an advertisement, but really it is worth your time to support this innovative local small business. They are also hosting a free children’s reading program every week on Thursday afternoons called BOW-WOWS & Books. There are local teachers and their therapy dogs coming each week to let the young crowd read in the company of certified therapy dogs.

    I take my dogs to Great Dog most everyday for daycare so it has become a new habit to get my coffee there before I drop them off in the morning. Their prices are lower than the big venues They have homemade strawberry shortcake this week and on the weekends they have these melt in your mouth chocolate scones. There is outdoor seating in the front too. Oh and they host local artists to show their work in the people-only side and the dog side both. So can just gush a bit more? I have to say this is a local small business that is catering to the community & has great coffee, amazing food, enjoyable staff AND a venue where my dogs and my dog loving friends can meet in a setting that has heart and soul. If you don’t like dogs the people only side is bright and cheerful. If you are a dog person you will find this to be a perfect place for you! Oh, and good luck to La Bera too! 😉 Really…this was not a paid endorsement-I just think this is such a unique new place so I hope you stop in and see if you agree with me!

  4. It’s a great idea… Bark! Espresso had it first though. Let’s hope the neighborhood supports more then one cafe. Variety is the spice of life!

  5. @MAS Thanks for reminding me! Yes, they plan on using a local coffee roaster, although they hadn’t yet picked the company as of Monday.
    – Maple Leaf Life

  6. I just hope they pick a good local coffee roaster that can do Italian style espresso that isn’t burnt (Stella, Vivace).

  7. Awesome! Will be nice to have a restaurant with good food in the neighborhood. If the place has good coffee and tasty treats, it will do great.

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