July 3

So who was that mysterious 'Eclipse' cast member?



Perhaps not surprisingly, fans of “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” weren’t mobbing the Puget Sound Blood Center bus that was parked outside Regal Cinemas Thornton Place all day Saturday.

But we had expected at least some kind of a mob for the “Eclipse” cast member who Thornton Place said on its Twitter feed would be at the theater at 7 tonight. Or at least a glimpse of the still-unnamed cast member would have sufficed.

Maybe Maple Leaf Life simply lacks the paparazzi stamina to stalk stars in the Northgate/Maple Leaf hood. But considering that not even the usher at the front door knew about a celebrity in the house, I have to wonder if this rumored event even happened.

Was anybody else at Thorton Place who saw this “Eclipse” cast member? And please, do tell, who was it?

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  1. I arrived at 7pm to see if anyone was there like the rumors said. I didn’t even see the blood bus, let alone any cast member. At 7:20, I asked the usher that was taking tickets and he said he didn’t know if anyone was there and that news crews were on the second floor. I didn’t feel like buying a ticket just to get in and then no one even shows up. The theatre did poorly at advertising this event, telling the crowd way too many maybes and not even hyper teenage girls feel like waiting around for that.

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