August 29, 2016

The Fairview Church and School, just off Roosevelt Way North at  844 N.E. 78th St., is holding a neighborhood block party and movie night on Sunday Friday, Sept. 18th. The party begins at 6 p.m. and features live music by Mr. and Mrs. Something. At 8 p.m. the movie Zootopia begins in the parking lot.

August 28, 2016

A round-up of some burglaries, vehicle thefts and prowls, and mail theft as August comes to an end. (Shown in map at right.) But first, from Seattle Police this week. “After stealing $800 worth of cologne and pulling a knife on Northgate Mall security Tuesday, a 49-year-old man claimed he had swallowed heroin in an

August 25, 2016

Jennifer emails: “My brother and sister in law’s black lab mix was stolen from the University Village QFC last night around 8:15 p.m. We are trying everything we can to get the word out, and having found the Seattle neighborhood blogs, are emailing all of you asking for help. “If you would not mind posting

August 24, 2016

The Little Gym, long a Maple Leaf fixture just to the south on 15th Avenue Northeast, is moving north – to the site of the former Maple Leaf Pharmacy. Bob Jackman, son of the original pharmacy owner, confirms the gym will be relocating to the corner of Northeast 89th Street and Roosevelt Way Northeast. “They

August 2, 2016

Update Aug. 3: There is now a partial police report for ROBBERY-STREET-GUN. ———————— Neighbors report a young woman was robbed at gunpoint this afternoon on Northeast 89th Street between 12th and 15th avenues northeast. Several police cruisers responded, although there’s nothing yet on the Seattle Police incident response map. According to neighbors, the young woman