March 7, 2017

Tuesday 8:15 a.m. SNOW! (Soon to be rain.) We missed last week’s snow. Oh, well.  


February 16, 2017

That was a LOT of rain Wednesday and overnight. Here at Maple Leaf Life South: 2.52 inches as of this a.m. Sun’s out now, but here’s the forecast: What it says: 7040  percent chance of rain today, but less than a tenth of an inch. Where’s the rain go? According to Cliff Mass, to California.

February 11, 2017

Liz, a Maple Leaf neighbor, posts on Facebook: We are looking for a new home for our dog, Barkley. Anyone interested can email me at He needs to be in a home without young children. I know that excludes many of you, but if you know anyone else interested please forward to them. Thank

February 10, 2017

Noon update: High wind gust so far here 31 mph. About 100 customers are without power in Maple Leaf, out of 138 citywide, according to Seattle City Light. The headline on Cliff Mass’ post today is:  “Hold on to your hats! Western Washington winds are about to blow!” Which about tells it. Winds in Maple

February 9, 2017

Hello, My name is Kyle Spangenberg and I found some keys on a lanyard on the east side of upper Maple Leaf Park at around 12:30 am on Feb. 8th (night of Feb. 7th). They were on the walking path. They are easily identifiable with many distinct keys and unique lanyard. Get in touch with