May 13

Have you seen a (very large) neighborhood cat?



This photo, of a potentially 40-pound Serval cat, native to Africa, is from, which advises you not to get one.

Question is, have you seen one in Maple Leaf?

A huge cat, very similar to the one in the photo, has been repeatedly spotted on Northeast 89th Street between Roosevelt Avenue Northeast and Eighth Avenue Northeast.

From PetsAdvisor:

These cats like to hunt — at night! Keep in mind a serval weighs an average of 40 to 50 pounds on the high end. Imagine your serval is playing or hunting at 3 a.m. and those 40 to 50 pounds lands on you in the bed mid-sleep. Talk about startling!

The website also advises Servals need a “much larger litter box than normal” (if they use it at all).

The neighbor who spotted it thinks it might be a cross between a Serval and a Savannah cat, which itself is a cross between a Serval and a domestic cat.

But he says it’s probably between 40 and 50 pounds, and that when it vocalized “it did not say MEOW… it GROWLED AND ROARED.”

He said he reported it to the zoo, which says they have no missing cats, and to Seattle Animal Control.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. My wife and I were alarmed to a horrible noise a few weeks ago(the type you pop up from sleeping) and a animal quickly scurrying away. We have two large Black and White cats that are very friendly but don’t take kindly to others in our yard area. My theory now is our cats defeated the African Cat!

  2. Do they cover their feces like housecats do? I saw where something dug around in the tulips while pulling weeds. There was an Andre the Giant sized turd covered up with large cat paw marks piling debris and dirt over the huge turd. I thought maybe the homeless might have crapped in the yard but this makes sense too.

    MLL: Where was this?

  3. It may be a Serval or a Savannah (a Serval mixed with a Savannah is a Savannah) and is lost likely someone’s pet. These animals are so misunderstood. They make wonderful pets. I hope whomever it belongs to gets their baby Back. Also…Servals don’t roar. They hiss.

  4. Servals and Savannahs do not roar lol… They can growl and do hiss as a form of communication since they do not meow(Servals) at least. And for the uninformed Servals can make good pets in the proper home.

  5. What happens if and when the local coyote runs into this strikingly beautiful but very large kitty cat?

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