Update 4:40 p.m. Seattle Parks project manager Garrett Farrell emails:
Yes, the Thornton Creek restoration project is about to get underway, Contractor WS Construction is setting up fencing and getting ready to mobilize on site.
The main body of work will be closer to Fifth Avenue Northeast/Northeast 103rd Street where the main creek restoration work will take place.
Trail work will extend up to Northeast 105th Street and neighbors can expect limited access across this stretch ( 103rd to 105th east of 5th) for the next few months.
Neighbors can expect activity on 103rd, the 104th cul de sac and 105th as the contractor uses these streets to access the work.
Daniel emails:
Six-foot-tall temporary fencing has gone up along the Thornton Creek watershed bordering Northeast 105th Street behind the Pacific Medical Center.
Does anyone have any clue as to the reason or purpose for the fence? I know the homeless set up an encampment in that area during the night, but the fence wouldn’t be a deterrent to keeping them out so there’s got to be another reason for it.
There is also fencing on the other sides of the Thornton Creek watershed where it borders a public road or public access point.
I’ll try and send a photo of the fencing.
The photo shows the stretch of road that should be made pedestrian and bike only, and added to the park. Either that, or fix the road so it is up to modern standards. Using a ten foot wide road for two way traffic, with a drop off into the creek on the south, a bulkhead on the north, no railing to keep pedestrians from falling into the creek, no guardrail to protect pedestrians from the cut through traffic, makes no sense. Close it or fix it.
Guessing it is this project, which was funded through the Parks & Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund. You could phone the Project Manager to confirm. http://www.seattle.gov/parks/projects/thornton_creek/naturalize_northgate.htm
MLL: Thanks, Donna. I’ve phoned and emailed. Hopefully parks is better than Sound Transit at outreach.
MLL: And they are!