Two press released arrived this afternoon. One is on a shooting nearby in Victory Heights. The other is the launch of Brenda – the Tunnel Boring Machine heading for the University District.
From Seattle Police:
Police are investigating after a man was wounded in a shooting in the Victory Heights neighborhood Wednesday afternoon following a dispute over an apparent drug debt.
Police responded to the 1700 block of Northeast 103rd Street, where they found the victim, who had been shot in the foot. Medics transported the man to Harborview Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries.
At the scene, witnesses told officers two men had fled the scene in a black Lincoln Town Car. Police are now searching for the two men, described as a white male, 5’8, wearing a black tank top, and a white male, 6’0, wearing a blue dress shirt.
From Sound Transit:
The first of two tunnel boring machines that will dig new twin light rail tunnels from the Northgate neighborhood in Seattle to the University of Washington began mining today.
That would be Brenda. You can read more here.
Don’t understand how tis holier than thou. Leaving dirty needles in the park is bad. You may not care but most do. Don’t understand how you have such disdain for our community. Its pretty sad, people smoking meth and shooting heroin in the park. I thought these parks were supposed to be fun for those seeking recreation, families running around, kids playing, people playing basketball. I guess shooting up is a recreation too and they have the right to use IV drugs and pass along deadly disease.
Maybe we just hire some bagpipers to go park to park, nobody can stand that for too long.
I honestly have no idea why the two of you (or you and your alias) are on your holier than thou soap box. Where did I mention I was pro-drug?
Tim, you’re the one that doesn’t have a problem with drug use in our neighborhood parks. The only thing you have a problem with are the problems that other people have.
I cant understand how intravenous drug use in the parks can be something that is welcomed, unless you are an IV drug user perhaps. That or you only mean to troll around to get a rise out of people.
As far as building a community I don’t see that in your posts either. Nothing against having your own thoughts.
Rick, you must be thinking of a different definition of NIMBY.
Tim that attitude is how 40 thousand people a year die of drug overdose. Victimless crimes I think it’s not.
Oh, heck, let’s just blame it all on the uber gentrification of Capitol Hill. I lived up there for a stretch in the 90s and boy has it changed! Less room to just hang out and well just hang out and…. probably more security guards chasing folks away. It’s all their fault! 🙂
Hooray for NIMBYism!
Sounds easier to just show up with picks and shovels and run everyone back downtown.
Whoops, I forgot an important step in the Parks Dept. protocol for illegal campers – social services. I’m not sure just what all that entails or in what order actions are taken.
I initially left a voice mail with City of Seattle customer service -number found on their website . I also filed a “request” for illegal dumping and camping one week ago on my “Find it Fix It” app which remains in “opened” status. I got a speedy return call back from a city customer service agent who got more details and explained the process – they forward the info to Parks, parks sends someone out, a 3 day vacate notice is posted and then ?? . Unfortunately, the problem can return and return again! I was by the homestead today and among other things like garbage and syringes I found cigarette butts on the dry bark that were obviously thrown down to burn out on their own rather than extinguished. Installing motion detecting sprinklers could cut down the fire hazard and deter further trashing of the park. They’d have to be sunk underground like the lawn system so they couldn’t be turned off at whim. Neighbors unite and grab your shovels! While we’re at it, let’s repaint that extremely faded crosswalk SDOT can’t afford to paint at the corner of NE 112th and 3rd Ave NE.
Thanks, Nan. -MLL
Do you have any contact info for the parks people to talk to Northgate Nan?
I parked on the west side near the fire hydrant and walked in the brushy path with no visibility. The guy was sitting there and didn’t hear me, he had some things rolled out on what looked like a handkerchief or something like that. When he saw me he turned away so I couldn’t see what he was doing but he kept doing it.
If I though the parks people listened more than the cops did Id call the parks people. Havent had much of anything come from anything else Ive contacted the police about so maybe circumventing them and getting to the root of the problem is better.
You saw much more in that bushy hollow than I did. Take a picture if you can and contact the Seattle Parks department like I did. I believe this is where numbers count! Let’s face it – Hubbard Homestead is in a relatively poor district with less home ownership and overall personal investment in the ‘hood compared to parks in Magnolia and West Seattle for example, where the public tends to be highly vocal and heavily involved in the everyday goings on in THEIR parks. I’m familiar with some history here via my good friend who has worked for the department in the field for almost 30 years and has seen and heard it all. Please don’t just give up. We have to keep on it! Let’s be the squeaky annoying grinding wheels. We matter too!
Went there today. Some guy sitting in the bushes cooking dope up on a spoon with a lighter. A few minutes later an Asian woman in her 20s took a cart full of trash from the Target area and was taking pieces of paper, maybe receipts?, and putting them in a milk jug. What has happened to this neighborhood and why are we not irate about it? People smoking meth and farming personal information in the park. It’s overgrown it’s a public safety hazard waiting. Why would they let the bushes grow up like that it is a breeding ground for crime. This is really getting old and the police don’t care.
Is officer Lanz our community service officer? A couple blocks of us want to talk with someone about the heroin and meth dealers before these shootings start happening south of the mall.
I recently discovered that some of those panhandlers have taken up residence in a little brushy hollow on the west side of Hubbard Homestead Park. Welcome Wagon anyone? No? I did notify Seattle Parks because squatting without adequate sanitary facilities gets real ugly real fast. The northern migration has arrived and is in full swing! I also contacted the property management for the Target building re: replace the light over one of their seating areas off 3rd Ave NE that has been out for a very long time. If folks are going to be lingering about at all hours in our neighborhood, I think we ought to at least be able to see them, no? I know the security at that property have their hands full and they can’t be everywhere at once.
From what I’ve seen, the panhandlers stand on the planting strip in the middle of the road. They have no effect on pedestrians in the crosswalk.
Have you tried contacting SDOT regarding the crossing islands? As you know they are made for pedestrian use but I don’t think anyone really figured on folks camping out on them. If the panhandlers are blocking them in such a way no one else can use them to cross safely (which is their purpose) I would think that is indeed a problem. I get there are other issues as well but lead with that.
How do we find our Community Service Officers contact info?
The July 4 gunpoint robbery of the peeler bar on 113th and Lake City Way should concern locals, even though it isn’t Maple Leaf, it is pretty darn close.
I emailed our Community Service Officer about the continued use of the centers of Northgate Way and 5th Avenue NE as a place to panhandle, still have heard zero from him, and still see people essentially loitering in the middle of the road. Traffic counts show that nearly 100,000 cars a day use this intersection, eventually one of the beggars will be run over and killed.
This is going to be happening soon on the 300 block of 89th street. The guy in the middle of the block is selling smack and has for a while. Sooner or later folks, sooner or later. Junkies don’t care about the neighborhood and bring in all sorts of filth.