Established Maple Leaf author Jack Remick released a new book this month, “Satori.”
It’s the fourth Remick work we’ve posted on since Maple Leaf Life launched. But this one’s different.
The other three were novels. “Satori” is a book of poetry.
In a guest post on a writing blog, he explains a bit of back story:
I didn’t intend to be a poet until I met Lawrence Ferlinghetti in City Lights Bookstore when I was eighteen. I read “A Coney Island of the Mind” the day I met him. I was anxious because I’d just learned that he was moving out of North Beach to a house somewhere near Twin Peaks. I asked him why he was selling out. He told me that his wife was sick and tired of eating off of orange crates. By then Ferlinghetti was the godfather of the Beat Movement.
As it happens, The New York Times has a piece this weekend on poetry vs. novels, by Philip Schultz, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2008 (for poetry).
He writes in part:
In between novels I wrote poems, mostly to console myself for the novels’ failures. Mysteriously, all my heartache, worry and grief went into these poems, which felt more like private notes to myself than professional attempts at writing literature. Even more mysteriously, most of them were getting published
Update: The link above to “Satori” connects to If you’d rather not shop there, Jack has since emailed:
The book is available at Barnes and Noble, Ingram is the distributor. Coffeetown the publisher has books as well, and University Bookstore will have them. I’m doing a reading there in August and they will stock the book.
Here’s the url for Coffeetown: