Contractors for Sound Transit this morning closed a lane near the popular Interstate 5 entrance off Northeast 80 Street to install monitoring equipment to check on Brenda as she tunnels her way south from the Maple Leaf Portal.
“As early as Wednesday, May 7, Sound Transit’s contractor will install equipment along the Northgate Link tunnel alignment to monitor vertical movement of utility pipes (water and sewer lines) for the Northgate Link Extension,” according to a release from Sound Transit.
The monitors, called Utility Settlement Points, are glued to the top of a utility pipe inside a cast iron cover and inserted below the surface of the road and will be in place throughout construction of the Northgate Link Extension. This work will be done throughout the month of May and will take 1 to 3 days to complete at each location.
• Installation of the monitors requires drilling into the concrete, removing ground material with a vacuum truck and attaching the monitor to the utility.
• The contractor will perform this work between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays. No high impact work will occur until after 8 a.m. A vacuum truck makes a noise similar to a diesel engine running at high rpms.
There are five work locations:
• Banner Way Northeast between Northeast 80th Street and Northeast 81st Street
• Roosevelt Way Northeast between Northeast 71st Street and Northeast 72nd Street
• 12th Avenue Northeast between Northeast 65th Street and Northeast 67th Street
• Brooklyn Ave Northeast between Northeast 52nd Street and Northeast 55th Street
• 12th Ave Northeast between NE 52nd and NE 55th