Update April 8: The police public affairs team has sent us the field reports on both the initial attack and the second one. The reports confirm both.
Our post last week, “Armed teen pack near Northgate robs boys 11, 16,” has now drawn nearly three dozen comments.
Among them are at least two pieces of news.
The first is an update on the original attack, and a report of a more recent one.
This morning John posted, in the comments section, an email he received from Kipp Strong, a Seattle Police officer and member of the North Precinct Community Police Team.
There seems to be a group of kids from Whitman Middle School who have created some issues in the Northgate area. They have been named as suspects in a couple different incidents. I would encourage you, or anyone else to call 9-1-1 should you see this group creating any problems in your neighborhood.
Also this morning Catherine reported another incident in the area.
I am a home-stay host to two Saudi students. They told me about two Saudi students (who are studying at Kaplan) who were assaulted at a Northgate bus stop on 4/2/14 by a group of 10 males and 2 females. It was clearly a hate crime – the assailants made it clear they were attacking them because they were Saudi. According to my housemates, one student ended up in Harborview with his jaw broken in two places, and the other Saudi student received an injury to his head.
The police crime report map still does not show the original teen attack, or this new one from April 2.
In addition, Annie – the mother of the original victims who has been updating in comments – has observed that a different commentator’s post deserves to be called out.
Here it is, by “Observer” on April 5:
My 86 year old mother was conned out of $1,900 yesterday by a guy that claimed a part fell off her Subaru in the QFC parking lot, he was a “service tech” familiar with Subaru’s and then fixed the car with a “new” part that he just happened to have. Four door black truck, two male accomplices, two kids in the back seat. He drove her to the bank in her own car and smooth talked her out of a big chunk of change.
The accomplices slathered Mom’s rear bumper with green Turtle Wax as a way to get her to believe they were doing a service for her, in addition to the mystery part that “fell off”.
I have a SPD incident number if you want to reference it in your report.
Was it a four door truck? Please expand your description, if possible.
These guys also tried to con my son’s girlfriend out of money at the QFC on Sunday by “fixing” her bumper. Luckily I came into the QFC and was able to get them to leave. One had a crow bar with him. Same thing: black pickup truck, two guys, both white, one bald other bushy black hair with mustache and beard. Did not see any kids. Have sent this to SPD also.