We received this email Wednesday evening:
I recently moved into Maple Leaf, I purchased a house in August, and I unfortunately have to report that somebody broke into my house last Friday, Nov. 8th, sometime between 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 pm. I live in the 800 block of Northeast 102nd Street.
I wrote a letter and alerted all neighbors in my street, but I thought it would be good to send you a note here, in case it can be announced to a wider audience and people are alerted.
The last time we looked at home burglaries was in September. You can also search the site for key word “crime,” which will also pull up stolen and prowled cars – the most common crime here.
Please file a police report. I’m moving ahead with motion-activated floodlights and other security stuff, as there have been a lot of burglaries lately and the Seattle Police haven’t shown a lot of interest in solving them.
What a shame.
I’d be happy to put on a demo/tutorial on how to buy and install surveillance cameras for the local neighbors.
If anyone is interested, let me know.
If you didn’t file a report with the police, please do so. Seattle.gov/police
Sorry to hear about another break in.
Do you have a garage? Do you park in it when you are home?
I think the baddies are using the presence/absence of a car in the driveway as an indicator as to whether you are home or not.
I had a guy knock on my door acting like he was selling subscriptions to NW Child (which is free). If you are home, they move on, if not they try to get in.
Do we need to start taking video of the streets around here to get a picture of these crooks?