September 11

And speaking of chickens, Chick-fil-A seems heading for Northgate



Mike emails this afternoon: “Another chicken: Seattle PI reports Chick-fil-A coming to Northgate.”

Here’s the link to the story.

The sometimes-loathed fast food purveyor Chick-fil-A is coming to Seattle….

The company has now filed a permit application to build a Chick-fil-A on a vacant lot in Seattle’s Northgate neighborhood. According to the permit, Chick-fil-A plans to build a 3,600 square foot “quick service” restaurant at 11001 Roosevelt Way Northeast.

The only vacant lot at that address (Roosevelt and Northeast Northgate Way) is the one across Northgate from Walgreen’s.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. The great thing about the free market is we get to vote every time we spend money, not just once a year for people who want to steal our money and spend it on their friends.

  2. Folks are free to draw the line where ever they choose. Choose to support or not support whatever they choose. I enjoy reading my neighbors opinions. I like to point people to as much information as I can so they can make the most informed decisions. Being respectful can also go a long way.

  3. I’d much rather prefer a seafood restaurant. As long as it’s not another “pho” restaurant, makes no difference if it’s Chick-fil-a or Sonic. I would just like to see that space occupied other than a seasonal retail space.

  4. Jesus, some of you need a hobby. It`s just a damn chicken restaurant. Where would you draw the line? Not riding on Boeing planes because they outsource to China, and China has few civil liberties for their citizens? Come on.

  5. This Christian supports marriage equality and not homophobic supporting businesses. Not all Christians are against marriage equality and many in WA state support it. Hoping CFA takes their brand of hatred elsewhere. No Christian-phobe here.

  6. At first glance it would seem the CFA model is a fit at that location but the gas station and Patty’s are existing non-conforming. Just saying.

  7. The Patty’s Egg Nest is on a lot that is 22,355 with a structure that is 3,609 = 18,746.

    Agree the sign could use an upgrade. I am glad to see them succeeding at that location.

  8. Market rate housing will always take care of itself in an urban center like Northgate, ensuring there will be a mix of market rate and affordable units. This is aided by the fact current “affordable” unit policies by this Council and the last two Mayors have provided some $75M in tax incentives to build units at 80% of are median income — which translates to rents higher than the median rents in Seattle and MUCH higher than the median rents in Northgate.

    So we’ll have a good mix.

    Once nice thing at Northgate is we can have a little higher rents (like 60% AMI) and still have the overall household be very affordable. With light rail and the bus center there, people should be able to have lower transportation costs. Their all-important housing+transportation budgets would still be “affordable” even though the housing component is a little higher than what’s typically thought of as affordable.

    We have lots of latitude to get creative in Northgate, if we can create the political will…

  9. According to the King County Parcel Viewer, this lot is 17,428 square feet. That minus the 3,600 feet leaves 13,828 left over for parking, plantings and such.

    Comparing the McDonald’s at 23,244 feet with a 3,775 foot building, leaving 19,469 feet, you get a fair idea of what they are thinking.

    Not really the highest and best use, I always envisioned a four story office building with first floor retail and underground parking, or something along those lines.

    I understand why people think affordable housing is a good idea, but put some of that stuff in Magnolia, Madrona and Mount Baker for a change. We don’t need to take it all on here do we? I don’t mind attracting a few people higher up the financial food chain. It will never be Bellevue, but we shouldn’t strive to be Burien, either.

    “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, my opinion, man”.

    I am glad we have a robust community with people who care even though they may not agree with each other on every point. Reading the varied points of view is informative.

    This area is poised for explosive growth in the next two decades, let’s try to keep it top notch and world class.

  10. A drive through is prohibited under the Northgate Overlay rules. We’ll be discussing whether the MLCC should advocate a position on this at our next regular Executive Board meeting.

    In general, we want all lots in the Northgate Urban Center to be built to the current zoning or higher, especially when we can get units built that are affordable to either 50% AMI or below or the average wage in the Northgate area. This is simply good public policy and a natural advocacy stance for any organization like the MLCC.

    The Urban Centers are there for a reason — to take density required to meet Seattle’s population and employment targets. We’re already zoned in Seattle for enough residential development in excess of 3x our current 2040 population targets and enough commercial space for 2.5x our current 2040 employment targets.

    We’re not missing zoning, we’re missing policymakers who are willing to do what is necessary to make certain the zoned capacity is built out with affordable units.

  11. I hope the local management of this fast food enterprise will cheerfully assign an employee to occasionally patrol the local neighborhood helping to pick up the litter that generally accumulates near this kind of place.

    Speaking of that sort of thing, does anybody think it is time to start pressuring Target, Best Buy, Walgreens and QFC to start using a shopping cart management system along the lines of what BevMo has? I have yet to see a single BevMo cart off premises. THANK YOU BEVMO!

  12. @MapleLeafBob

    Dick’s is in a class of it’s own and for what it’s worth, they also somehow manage to compensate their employees far above and beyond the other fast food joints. For the record, my faves are the Dick’s Special and maybe a scoop of chocolate chip mint ice cream.

  13. @Thomas Paine:

    Perfect post! So true. The majority of whiners that complain about businesses and try to tell people why they shouldn’t go there are the same that throw a hissy fit if anyone tries to tell them what choices they should make.

    If you don’t like it, don’t spend your money there, but don’t complain if others choose to. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t like fast food. Well…….except for a Dick’s deluxe and a vanilla shake after a night of drinking 🙂

  14. More jobs for folks who don’t mind living 7 to an apartment in Seattle. What a gift to the city and especially Northgate!

  15. More jobs in the neighborhood are a good thing. If you like it, go there. If you don’t like it, don’t go there. If you want to stop anybody from going there, then you’re a jerk.

  16. Don’t believe everything you read in the paper. Just got off the phone with land use planner Scott Ringgold. There has been NO application filed. This is what was on the table.” Zoning Only Coaching-CFA proposes to construct a 3,593sf quick-service restaurant with drive-thru service. Looking for the applicable development standards and applicability of any waivers or variances required.” DPD says they can’t do much unless and until an application is filed. Yes, this is on a pedestrian street so the drive thru isn’t going to happen. As I mentioned before there is also a long list of requirements for ped streets so it remains to be seen if it will fit with their business model. And hey, don’t shoot the messenger.

  17. For those who may not be familiar with Chick-fil-A, they are a private family-owned business with 45 consecutive year of annual sales growth since their inception in 1967. In 2011, they had annual sales of $4.1 billion, and in 2012 had $4.6 billion in sales. That’s an increase of $500 million in just one year! And, that’s in spite of all the hoopla last year. In February 2012, the company became debt-free and now run their business entirely from internal cash. They are consistently rated #1 for their tasty food, excellent customer service and clean restaurants. Also, they are very civic minded and will give a lot back to the community. They will definitely be an asset to Seattle’s Northgate neighborhood. (And, no, I don’t work for CFA, but know some good people who do)

  18. It was Democratic President Bill Clinton, along with both houses of Congress in 1996 that voted and signed into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

    And, it was Democratic President Barack Obama that affirmed the same when running for Senator in 2004 when he stated, “I’m Christian. I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.” Later, he reaffirmed the same belief in 2006, and when running for president in 2008.

    Why does the intolerant left attack the president of Chick-fil-A when his views on traditional marriage are the same as all US presidents from Washington to Obama? Were all US presidents bigots, haters and homophobes? Of course not, and neither is Mr. Cathy.

  19. The owner regularly donates to very homophobic organizations, hence the money you pay for an awful chicken sandwich enriches him which he in then turns around and donates to Focus on the Family.

  20. For those who still wish to slam Chik-Fil-A. For you who believe they are homophobic or actually the better phrase dislike homosexuals.

    They hire gays, they feed gays, they do not turn them away. The company apparently treats their employees well, from what I have read.

    Everyone is entitled to a personal opinion, you, me, and the owners of Chik-Fil-A. Don’t like them…eat elsewhere…lots of fast food places. But please don’t ruin it for the rest of us.

  21. I agree w/Elaine. I’m not thrilled that CFA is moving into the neighborhood, either. Not because it’s a dietary train wreck, but because it’s president is a crazy homophobe who would happily convert our government to a theocracy if it were in his power to do so.

  22. We don’t need another over congested neighborhood in Seattle do we? If I want gridlock and high rise apartment complexes I can move to Ballard. People can’t be forced to walk by making traffic a congested nightmare.

    CFA would be a nice but how will it change traffic? That area isn’t that bad at all as is.

  23. Well darn, I would rather have a Popeye’s than the craptastic homophobic Chick-fil-a. I guess now the protesters will have somewhere to protest. I am really surprised that Chick-fil-a would move to gay friendly Washington but then, no one probably gets benefits so they won’t have to worry about same sex married couples.

  24. I wouldn’t underestimate them good ol’ boy, chicken-slingers from Atlanta. There have been CFA rumors in the PAC NW for some time. Something tells me they did their homework.

    Sue – Drive thru not mandatory –

    McDonald’s Northgate is actually the big loser here. I imagine they’ll take at least a 10% hit on their bottom line should CFA enter the neighborhood.

    Can’t wait to see how this plays out. Hopefully with BBQ sauce…

  25. I’m sorry to keep throwing in here but also be aware the location in question is on a designated pedestrian street. One requirement is NO drive-in business. There are also a number of other requirements such as transparency, egress, etc, etc. Idea being to get people to want to walk and not drive.

  26. Awww.. yeah I’m disappointed we won’t be getting a 17th mattress store. Surprised it took this long to fill that lot and always thought it’d be a profitable location for a fast food joint… considering the only other real places are on Lake City Way or on the other side of I5.

    And yes Patty’s needs to put up a real sign. So junky looking. Blech.

  27. Obviously you folks don’t even know what the zoning there is. The most could be 4 stories. Restaurant with three stories of residential above. And who said low income? They could be condos. If you would rather have the density next door than in the business district all the best to you but we will be forced to have it somewhere. BTW the Mullallys have talked of expanding for nearly 30 years now so don’t be holding your breath.

  28. At least it’s not another mattress store. BTW, when is Patty’s gonna get a “for real” sign. Geez, a banner for this long. That entire mall area there looks like crap and needs to be completely re-done! What a dated dump! As far as density is concerned, wait til the light rail and higher rent apts. go in down by Target. Pete, agree on the free market and I can’t wait to try the spicy! Agree on the Sue statement too. Another 10 story low income housing with crappy boiler-plate street level retail..really, Sue?

  29. Oh Good Lord, Sue. What do you expect, a Chick Fil A anchoring the bottom of another 10-story public housing building?

    It’s a free market, and that corner certainly has been a much sought after property. Kudos to Chick Fil A for ponying up the cash.

    BTW, have you tried the spicy chicken? It’s delicious.

  30. Even if it weren’t for Chick-fil-A’s previous issues we don’t need another one story retail in an area zoned for higher. Please support Conlins minimum density move to keep the density out of our residential areas.

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