As negotiations continue over whether Seattle schools will open as planned Wednesday, the city has announced it will open 20 community centers to provide free day care for some children during the work day.
They include the Northgate Community Center, 10510 Fifth Ave. N.E., and the Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center, 6536 Ravenna Ave. N.E.
Although the city is characterizing the service as “drop-in,” it is limited to children on free or reduced lunch programs, and registration is required.
Due to space limitations, eligible students will be accepted as space permits each day. All students must have a completed registration form, which can be obtained at open community centers starting this weekend, at the community centers the day of the drop-in service, or online at A registration form still must be printed and brought to the community center if registration has been done online. Parents can secure a spot for their child in advance by going to beginning Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., but those spaces will not be held past 9:00 a.m. each day of the drop-in service.