Earlier this month we wrote about the Great Shake Out preparedness drill for earthquake safety.
Now we want to let you know about a neighborhood workshop to plan everything from communications – when the phone lines go out and cell phones go dead – to being able to survive a week without help from outside.
The workshop is this Saturday, Oct. 20, from 1-3 p.m. at the Northgate Branch Library, 10548 Fifth Ave. N.E. Follow this link for more information.
One of the organizers is John Parnell, a Maple Leaf resident who was also involved in this spring’s Maple Leaf Emergency Drill.
John writes:
What is NOW needed is a coordinated community effort to organize other aspects of our emergency response that go beyond just communications.
The City of Seattle’s Disaster Plan openly states that individual neighborhoods will probably be on their own for a period of 3-14 days following a catastrophic event (such as an 7.0 earthquake or major volcanic eruption).
We will need to be prepared to take care of ourselves and our neighbors by sharing resources and helping those most vulnerable to a loss of basic infrastructure.
The Maple Leaf Community Council has prioritized emergency preparation efforts. What we need now is folks to join us. Please come and check out the October 20 workshop; if you can’t make it, contact me afterwards. We would like to have a kick-off meeting for the Emergency Preparation Committee in the near future and would encourage you to participate in any way that you can.
John can be reached through comments on this post, or at k7hv (at) arrl.net.