Update March 13: This just in from Terrie Johnston, Seattle Police crime prevention coordinator:
Burglary News: Even though North Precinct SPD patrol officers, plain-clothes units and our proactive Burglary/Theft Unit were able to make 3 separate arrests this weekend of burglars, the crimes continue.
Here are some of the burglaries that occurred since March 9th.
13000 30 NE
12700 27 NE
12000 33 NE
1500 blk NE 91
800 blk. NE 89
2500 NE 134
Some of the entries were made through forcing open back windows; some came in through unlocked front doors. Loaded guns; bank documents; checkbooks; jewelry; laptops; Flat screen TV; pills; wine; and cash were all reported stolen in the above crimes. In one of the burglaries, neighbors called 9-1-1 minutes after they heard breaking glass in the apt. complex. K9 arrived to track the fleeing suspect, but the officer was unable to apply the K9 due to the number of residents who were gathered around to watch the incident unfold. (If K9 officers are tracking through your yard or neighborhood, go inside so the Police dog’s nose can do its amazing thing.)
This is no time to get complacent. Please continue to lock up; report all suspicious activity to 9-1-1; share information with your neighbors; keep personal banking information locked away or shredded, this is gold to Identity thieves. Consider storing guns in lockers or safes when you are away from the house. Keep an inventory list of your valuables. As always, I am available for Block Watch meetings or to assist with any public safety concerns.
Terrie Johnston,Seattle Police Crime Prevention,206-684-7711
A neighbor emails that he saw a car prowler in action overnight on Eighth Avenue Northeast around Northeast 88th Street:
Late Sunday night – Monday morning at 2:30 a.m. while in the middle of feeding my twin babies I decided to look out my front window on a windy night only to see a skinny white male 5-foot-8 or so, 18-22 years old, walk up 8th trying the door handles on my truck and my neighbors’ the whole way up the street.
He concludes: “Keep your doors locked and remember when you are sleeping they are like rats creeping on our great neighborhood.”
@Susie: Thanks for the link.
It’s puzzling how an 18 year old with a rap sheet including 15 felonies is not in prison and/or under serious surveillance. Strap a tracking bracelet on that punk.
Not sure if this is the same burglar as the one we have here, but this is some good news: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Police-nab-alleged-serial-burglar–142724675.html?abc=Wafv8MRT
I can go through each article and find something to agree with. A lot of people are frustrated and frankly scared including me. So when someone takes the time to warn us of a car prowler on a blog instead of calling the police immediately, I can see why folks get a little miffed. Frankly, when I read the gentleman’s message I was annoyed. I think it is important to recognize that we as individual home owners/renters are ultimately responsible for how safe our neighborhoods are. I think a lot of us simply expect that cops will magically materialize out of thin air and take care of our problems. We have to put in some effort too. So please, please exercise some personal accountability and LOCK your cars and homes. Watch out for any suspicious activity in your neighborhood and above all CALL THE COPS when you observe any activity that seems suspicious. Remember: when in doubt call the police. I promise you won’t get into trouble.
Yes! Everybody stop popping off like children and communicate like Brent wants you to or else he’ll put you in a time-out.
You know…as much as I believe we need to hold ourselves accountable and – to a certain degree police ourselves as well through vigilant neighborhood watches, etc. – the comments on this site are increasingly vitriolic and accusatory.
I agree that people should call the police to report such activity, but give people a break. Just as no one but you knows what is going on in your world; you do not know extenuating circumstances in other peoples lives.
Stop popping off like children and use this site as a tool to communicate how best to support and inform one another.
Also…all the BS about gunning down and putting baseball bats to people really doesn’t help. If you want to do a little ‘play time’ tough guy/gal that is fine. But. keep it to yourself. Such comments only demonstrate your ability to be brave out of range. C’mon.
My apologies the link I provided for 911 Police was incorrect.
This one will get you police 911 calls but you have to scroll down to 03/12 or create a filter.
This list also does not list a call regarding this incident.
Wow folks, calm down. Did you read the part that he had to wake up in the middle of the night to feed TWIN babies. How alert do you expect someone to be? Thanks neighbor for posting and blessings with your growing family.
Whomever sent you this SHOULD HAVE CALLED THE POLICE. It’s cute to describe people as “rats”, but it’s cuter to act like a responsible citizen.
No 911 call is recorded for 3/12/12 corroborating this claim. Presuming this list is accurate, it either didn’t happen or 911 was not called.
Editor: Be aware this website lists fire and medic dispatches to 911 calls, but NOT police dispatches.
I agree. Hopefully the cops were called and/or the guy was chased down the street with a baseball bat.
Please tell me she called the police. Not much good telling the story if she didn’t … just sayin’.. we need to catch these creeps in the act!
What was the response time from after you called 911?
I am hoping you called the police?