Two burglary suspects were arrested Wednesday afternoon after a wild chase near Olympic View Elementary School, police report.
The incident began just before 1 p.m. on March 30 when officers responded to a 911 call of two male suspects prowling the backyard of a house in the 9700 block of Eighth Avenue Northeast, police said.
Officers arrived on scene and set up containment around the home in question. Officers discovered that the rear door of the residence had been kicked in and was open. While a search of the residence for suspects was being conducted another patrol officer in the area noticed two males matching the description of the suspects walking down the street several blocks away.
The officer stopped the two suspects and while waiting for back up to arrive both suspects took off running. Officers engaged in a foot pursuit through the yards of multiple blocks of houses. A large area of containment was established utilizing patrol, traffic, and Community Police Team officers, detectives, and Department of Corrections personnel. Both suspects were eventually captured and placed under arrest.
One suspect, an adult, was booked into the King County jail. The other is a juvenile and was booked into the county’s Youth Service Center.
Police reports also show a continued (relative) dearth of burglaries here.
Since our last report of only one burglary in March, the police crime map shows:
- A home burglary reported Tuesday, March 29, in the 10500 block of 20th Avenue Northeast.
- A home burglary on Tuesday, March 22, in the 9700 block of 19th Avenue Northeast. There, entry was made through a sliding door next to the kitchen and jewelry and electronics items were stolen.
In addition:
- Cars were stolen Tuesday, March 29, from the 9000 block and the 5800 block of 17th Avenue Northeast.
- A motorcycle was stolen Friday, March 25, from the 9100 block of Fifth Avenue Northeast.
- A car was stolen Thursday, March 24, from the 8200 block of 15th Avenue Northeast.
- A car was prowled Monday, March 21, in the 500 block of Northeast 77th Street.
- A car was stolen Sunday, March 20, from the 8200 block of 16th Avenue Northeast.
- A car was stolen Friday, March 18, from the 300 block of Northeast Northgate Way.
Sounds exactly like my break in at 97th and 19th in February. Two juveniles and they kicked in the back door to steal a bunch of smaller stuff like laptops and cameras.
So who are these burglars? It would be good to know for when they’re let back out on the street momentararily.
Thank you ML resident you are correct. My error. Oops!
Blue Saucer is at 92nd.
Welcome to the neighborhood Dan.
Olympic View Elementary fondly know as O.V. is located at 504 NE 95th. If heading west from Roosevelt Way and N.E. 95th (blue Saucer coffee shop)
you can’t miss it one block west between 8th Ne and 5th NE. Check it out.
P.S. That is where the community safety meetings are held. Join us!
@88th and 8th Pissed off Victims:
I feel your pain. My car was broken into months back while parked in my driveway.
I hope next time I have a chance to introduce my friends Benelli and Kimber to those punks.
Ha MapleleafJull, I don’t know where that school is. I don’t have kids… I only know Sacajawea by name because I used to vote there.
I watched police cuff one suspect as I drove down 8th and NE 103rd yesterday. I feel like I have to be suspicious of individuals as they walk thru our neighborhoods especially when someone looks out of place or seems to be lingering. Daily I’ll say “hello” as a courtesy and make eye contact, sometimes I ask for directions for something all Maple Leaf residents would know like “where is Olympic View School?” . One knows they’ve been seen and recognized. Walkers and Maple Leafers don’t look so surprised when someone says hi! We should be looking out for each other.
Please bring these Douche Bags by our house so me and my wife can kick the shit out of them, they are probably the jerks who stole our Honda. Go ahead SPD lay a few boots on them for us.