“Our 13-year-old male cat (orange tabby with white belly and white facial markings and light green eyes) disappeared the night of August 13 in the vicinity of Northeast 100th Street and 17th Avenue Northeast.
“He is not wearing a collar but has micro-chip and is licensed in Seattle.”
Hmmm. Human thinks h/she rules the world, destroys massive habitat, no longer can look at the whole picture, then blames the cat.
It goes after the chestnut backed nuthatch too, and eats it. Along with millions of other songbirds and small indigenous mammals. Keep your feline inside and you wont get heartbroken. More like a hearless pet owner that would throw their pets to the outdoors with reckless abandon on the neighborhood and its wildlife to be torn to shreds.
Thank you Northgate Nan, my cat goes after rats by choice and does our neighborhood and its chickens a great service.
. . . and the horse you rode in on, Rutlein the Sanctimonious
I hope that when those of you with harsh words have your heart broken, no one puts forth such vitriolic words to you. True or false, there is no reason for using such hurtful words
More emotion based drivel. Pick and choose what you want but it doesnt change the fact that a careles pet owners ‘pet’ is roaming around lost or as a coyote turd. Cats kill. Hopefully the coyotes will clear them out as they compete for their rightful place int eh ecosystem. That is if you believe all that fact stuff and all.
And I have two C-Notes for whoever teaches the crows to kill the cats!
I have a hundred dollar bill for anyone that can train the neighborhood cats to kill crows.
Lol anotherEric! There is no arguing with those that refuse to consider the possibility that the data they base their righteous claims on re: cats decimating their precious songbirds may not be so definite after all. But here I go fruitlessly trying. My once feral, now quasi domesticated cat I trapped and presently care for is a ruthless mouse murderer. No one seems to have a problem with that.
@JC Rutlein, you sound like a lot of fun. We should do lunch sometime.
Feral cats destroy small songbirds and small mammal populations. Coyotes eat cats all the time in the neighborhood but you guys still leave your cats out to roam the neighborhood. Irresponsible pet owners.