August 15

Unusual tale of porch package theft-and-switch



Marco emails this theory of how package thieves may be working the neighborhood.

Bottom line: They pretend to be delivering a package, but instead take yours and leave behind an empty box.

I thought it might be a good idea to share this with the community. Yesterday (8/13/15) I was expecting a package to be delivered. What I had not expected was that the package did not require a signature to be delivered. The delivery person (USPS in this case, but otherwise fill in your carrier of choice), evidently left the package at our door on the outside steps.

Here’s the important part: What my wife came home to find was an entirely different empty package which had been opened up and turned upside down to look like a “normal” sealed package as it would have been left by any number of delivery services.

The contents of this box were two additional labeled mailing bags from The Gap which were addressed to a neighbor 10 blocks south (also in Maple Leaf). Those bags were empty and stuffed into the box as filler. I didn’t know the name, but both of two shipping envelopes had the same address nearby, so I used Google to find what I though was the person and left a message at their work of what had shown up on our stairs….

The next morning I got a call from the neighbor whom I’d left the message for – the one to whom the two Gap packages were addressed. They told me that, not only were they the intended recipient of the Gap items that had not arrived, but they also had come home to an empty mystery box with yet another Maple Leaf address on it, and filled only with packing materials.

So apparently someone is going around the neighborhood looking for packages delivered outside the house. They probably use the empty boxes from previous thefts as a decoy as they approach the houses to make it look as if they might be bringing a package, but instead they leave the empty box, and take the packages that have been left making it appear as if they might be just leaving again with the same package.

That’s the best explanation we can come up with. Regardless, I phoned the North Precinct and they sent two officers over who followed up with the Gap addressee as well.

We hear stories of mail or package theft, but checking the police crime map only turns up three reports during this entire summer (since June 1).

Please be on the lookout for any suspicious activities that might reflect this sort of criminal behavior. If you see activity that looks out of place, or if you have had empty boxes show up at your door and are missing deliveries at the same time, call the North Precinct. If you actually witness activity and if you can get a license and description without putting yourself at risk I’m sure it would be helpful. Officer Smith, badge 8302 is handling my case and I’m sure would want to hear about similar activities. Always use the non-emergency number for this type of incident. 206-625-5011 (press 2 at the first prompt, and 8 at the second prompt)

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. I had two packages stolen on August 25. I had a call from a neighbor a few blocks away who found one of the packing slips inside another box at her door. I’m not going to report it since I filed claims with the sellers and it was only about $30 of stuff. I think I will ask shippers to require a signature or send to my wife’s place of work. The packages were not on our porch for more than an hour because I was looking for them – possibly the thieves are chasing delivery vehicles and moving as soon as the deliveries are made?

  2. Always blame the victim, this is important. Its always the victims fault. Dont forget this and it will go away.

  3. If it’s possible for you, have ALL your packages shipped to your place of work. No Saturday deliveries but also, no stolen stuff. For Amazon, you can also have your stuff delivered to an Amazon Locker location and get it at your convenience.

  4. My car was prowled in another country last week. The community police took a very different approach from the Seattle PD: I hesitated about reporting the prowl, as not much of value was stolen and I was a visitor, but the first officer I spoke to said that the report would be a data point used to help the police determine where to place extra detail. I don’t keep obviously valuable items in my car but that doesn’t stop addi— er, “differently-abled thinkers” from fantasizing what a used tube of Chapstick would fetch them in their ScrambledBrainz market.

    So even if a ripped issue of Harper’s, or a dirty child-sized plastic flipflop was stolen from your property, reporting it may help the police determine what crime trends are happening where.

  5. I had two packages stolen earlier this year, I didn’t think to report it to the police since they do nothing about it, but I guess it would have been good for statistics. Both items were irreplaceable too, so frustrating. I wonder what the thief thought when they discovered 80s arcade game boards inside a package, I’m sure they just tossed them.

  6. This is a good example of why people should report everything. They obviously don’t prioritize it because there have only been three reported incidents since June 1st. It’s not a big enough issue to prioritize it over other things.

  7. I suspect that mail and parcel theft occur far more often in Maple Leaf than the police maps suggest. Anecdotally, I rather suspect it happens on a daily basis, but people don’t bother reporting it generally. The Seattle police haven’t seemed to prioritize it recently. It’s plain from the security mailboxes installed throughout the area that mail theft is a serious and continuing problem.

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