Victims of the arson fire here a week ago are thanking neighbors for their support, and plan to rent a Maple Leaf home to live in. (Thanks, Lisa, for the tip.)
The Gibbons family, which fled their burning home with only the clothes they were wearing, wrote on a gofundme page:
We, the Gibbons family, would like to give a huge heartfelt thank you to all those who have so generously donated. The support from family, friends and even strangers has been beyond incredible. We are so blessed to be part of such an amazing community. We have recently found a rental in the neighborhood and are looking forward to moving in and regaining some sense of normalcy. Thanks again for all of your support and well wishes.
In five days the campaign has raised $6,530 from 73 individual donations.
You have the wrong article linked on this page. Not to the original arson article but to the Northgate suicide.
MLL: You are right. Fixed (I think).