Shortly before our last post (crime, drugs, parks) Cathy emailed to say she’s been a block watch captain in west Maple Leaf for the past two decades.
I am on the SPD’s block watch distribution. Neighbors within the loose boundaries (Northeast 88th Street and Fourth Avenue Northeast) are on my neighborhood email distribution.
I provide a map of the neighborhood, updated when there are changes, to all on my distribution. Car prowls, stolen cars, break-ins, etc. are reported to me by email from the affected party. (Neighbors contact police if incidents require.)
I send emails so that everyone is aware of any new incidents. Neighbors are proactive and very friendly with one another which facilitates our communications.
The Seattle Block Watch program is explained here, including how to start or revive one. Looks like neighbors have to buy their own signs, though.
We don’t know how many block watch groups are currently in Maple Leaf. But it seems more might make a dent in property crime incidents here.
We could start Ninja Tiger Strike Force and get satin embroidered jackets. Who’s in?!