KL emails:
Hello MLL:
This morning my daughter and I managed to wrangle a black hen (I think ) from the roundabout of Northeast 90th Street and Eighth Avenue Northest to our backyard coop.
She’s full grown and seems pretty tame. Currently she’s finding her place among our hens and I’m more than happy to keep her safe here until someone claims her.
Please let me know if she’s yours and we can figure a time to come get her.
John emails: “Found small jewelry item in box 3/23/15 a.m. about 30 yards west of Cloud City Coffee on Northeast 88tth Street north side. Describe and claim.”
It lives across the road.
Anyone see an iPad on the road?
would appreciate a note about it.
Maple Leaf needs a new blog. This one doesn’t nearly update as much as it could or should. The last post was 7 days ago. Pathetic. Compare that with other Seattle neighborhood blogs who posted multiple times a day. How about reporting on new propert developments, particularly the townhouses on 92nd and Roosevelt and the proposed land use action near the Tile Store across from the reservoir park? How about posting more polls, neighborhood photos? How about interviews and business profiles with our local shops? C’mon, man.
There’s a pen with a rooster and several black hens at 9609 8th Avenue NE. It’s possible the black hen “KL” found, originated from there; however if Eric (another) is correct, getting a honest answer might be difficult.
Still, it’s worth knocking on the door or leaving a note.
Lots of people eat them when they stop laying eggs. Or maybe since they can’t do the deed, they release them into the neighborhood so they can be found in a traffic circle.
A funny story, my daughter and I were thinking of raising urban chickens…got on a website dedicated to the art…one of the tabs was for Recipes. She and I were aghast that people would eat what were essentially pets. Turns out the recipes were for the eggs, so we had a good laugh.