December 21

Solstice tree celebrates the Return of the Light



Update 12/22:

More decorations are arriving:

Happy Solstice Maple Leaf!

Sunday afternoon, as the light was fading from the sky, a Solstice Day tree appeared on the east end of Maple Leaf Park, at the pavilion.

It has lights, a single ornament (a dog, of course) and an invitation to neighbors to bring ornaments to fully decorate the tree.

Celebrate the return of light!

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. I hear ya Sue but let’s avoid castigating an entire religion based on a few comments by the local cranky-pants commentators.

  2. It appears the intention of the folks that put the tree there was to celebrate the winter solstice. But then Christians have been calling such customs their own for years so why stop now.

  3. I knew that on this blog, anything possibly arguable will be argued. Merry Christmas, Maple Leaf Bob, and a lump of coal to those who want to split hairs with him. It’s a freaking Christmas tree.

  4. @frox: I didn’t think I cursed in my comment anywhere.

    Again, I am just making sure that we aren’t trying to be overly PC. I guess I get a little sensitive because I get tired of people be afraid to say Merry Christmas because they think they will offend people. Hell, my office had a huge debate over it. It’s getting a little ridiculous.

    If ya’ll are true Solstice celebrators then have at it. I support you, but you if you are using Solstice as some sort of PC aversion to the word Christmas, then go right ahead, but know that some of us could care less about being overly PC.

    Happy Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Festivus, Yule, and whatever else we have these days.

  5. I love it!!!! This is SO COOL!!!!!! I wish we had a place where we could do this in my neighborhood (Victory Heights) – so fun!!!!!

  6. Bob, a little cursing always adds to the warmth of the season, thanks for the cheer. A bit of history: it was a solstice tradition long before it was incorporated into the Christian holiday.

  7. If you are putting ornaments and lights on the tree, its a freaking Christmas Tree. Cut the crap with the Solstice Tree bologna.

    I have no problem at all and I think celebrating the Solstice is cool if that’s your thing, but a tree with lights and ornaments belongs to Christmas.

    MLL: This morning it is a post-Solstice tree.

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