You’re invited to join the Seattle Storytellers Guild from 6-7:45 p.m. tomorrow, Oct. 9, at the Northgate Library, 10548 Fifth Ave. N.E. Cynthia Westby and Patty Zeitlin from the guild will kick-off the open-mic night with a brief introduction to the art of storytelling at 6:30 p.m., then let the storytelling commence.
Refreshments starting at 6 p.m. The program begins at 6:30 p.m. Listeners and tellers alike are encouraged to attend!
Westby, the Seattle Storytellers Guild’s president, is a storyteller, writer, teacher and coach with a diverse background ideal for creating personal stories. Zeitlin, vice president of the guild, is a songwriter, storyteller, author of two books, a poet and playwright, with many albums of original songs for children, and one for adults.
My story on Thursday at Northgate Library is going to be how I cried after scrolling past 68 useless posted comments (excepting regulars The Observer and Tim) .