We get a lot of comments speculating on whether crime is increasing in Maple Leaf.
Generally speaking, the answer is “probably not,” but it’s tough to compare.
One way is to use statistics the Seattle Police Department compiles by patrol beat.
A problem is that Maple Leaf takes up chunks, but not all, of three different patrol beats in the North Precinct: Nora 3, Union 1 and Lincoln 2 (see map to right).
The beat that has the largest piece of Maple Leaf is Union 1 – that’s the chart at the top of this post.
There, the most recent statistics for all property crimes – burglaries, stolen cars, theft and such, the most common crimes here – are currently about in the middle of the years from 2008 to 2013. (The black line is 2013.)
Pretty much the same thing for Lincoln 2 (below).
But not so much in Nora 3 (below), where property crimes seem to be swinging up.
In other words, pretty much the same as in when we looked in 2011.
That’s not to say the statistics convey emotional meaning. For example earlier this week the rear window of a car on Northeast 92nd Street was shot out around 1:30 a.m. Neighbors heard the shots and were shocked this happened on their street.
But statistically, that incident isn’t reported as a drive-by shooting (because only a car was injured), but as a simple property crime. Specifically, “property damage – non residential.”
Obviously this article is incorrect now that we know the SPD is not investigating property crime in our neighborhood.