August 28

Roughly a car a day gets stolen or prowled here



Terri emails on Wednesday: “There was a dark blue 1997 Subaru stolen from Northeast 83rd Street between Northeast Fifth and Eighth avenues.

It was stolen this morning between 8 a.m and 9 a.m. It was locked.

Keep your eyes out for any suspicious people messing around at cars … even in the daylight!

Car crimes continue to be the most common crime in Maple Leaf and Seattle in general. The map below shows cars stolen or prowled in the month and a half since our last report. (Update on that report: Lisa M’s car, stolen from Thornton Place’s garage, turned up in Everett a month later.)

It shows roughly40 incidents – close to one a day.

Is that a lot?

It’s very similar to this report from 2011- the last time one of our cars was prowled.

Looking only at stolen cars, 1,697 reports show on the 2014 Seattle Police Department’s statistics chart. But that chart only includes figures through April.

For a better look, in all of 2013 3,541 cars were reported stolen, a 19 percent increase from the previous year.

In 2012 and 2011, roughly 3,400 cars were reported stolen.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. It’s time for Seattle Police to put out bait cars in Maple Leaf. As for me, I’m considering moving to Snohomish County. Seattle’s crime and traffic have jumped the shark.

  2. When my Honda was stolen, then found within 36 hours, I believed it was used by somebody who had, while on foot, cased the ‘hood for easily grabbed items in carports and on porches, stole the car to round up the items, hocked/sold what he could, bought his drug of choice (car stank bad) and slept in the car two nights. No damage, 12 miles driven. Parked it in a handicapped zone, I guess so I would either get a ticket, or so it would be found and I would get it back faster?

  3. I see the same person (female in her mid to late 20s) buying or selling drugs quite often and she is in a different car every time, sometimes different car multiple times a day. You think they steal the cars to use as a way to sell drugs in the neighborhood?

  4. Yep – mostly stolen for transport. Mine was stolen while I was out of town and found 3 months later on 122nd & Meridian. Missing plates, but otherwise deemed driveable.

  5. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong but I think Seattles only loitering laws involve drug trafficing or prositution. I sorta remember something about not being able to sit downtown. Now thats public property. A business can trespass a person so they need to stay a certain number of feet away from their business. Not long ago I saw a fella with a big old sign about Jesus on the corner of 5th and Northgate Way, the pan handlers left. Hmmmmm.

  6. Speaking of car theft, the Mom in the Mother/Son carjacking duo of Kendrick Epps and Nancy Jo is being released.

    Nancy Jo Epps is being let out. Did they not accost a woman, steal her car and crash it when followed by a citizen?

    Keep an eye out for Ms. Epps at the corner of NE Northgate Way and 5th Avenue NE. Her photo is in the previous story about this caper.

    The blonde girl and bald guy at that corner yesterday were witnessed pawing through a purse, presumably stolen, while using the Men’s Warehouse awning as shelter, alongside their two shopping carts of possessions. Men’s Warehouse, you need to ask these people not to loiter under your awning on your property.

    I have attempted to contact our Community Service Officer twice, will attempt a third time, to get in writing a reason why loitering is allowed to happen in the middle of those streets. Thus far, no response.

    If I get no response to a third request, including asking his permission to post his email contact information, I will do so without it.

    We have a large problem. The police do nothing about the squatters in the park, they do nothing about the vagrants living in vans, they do nothing to discourage loitering in the middle of the road, begging.

    The vagrants living out of shopping carts and begging are very likely also committing other crimes in the area, like the Epp’s. They are likely feeding a drug habit, please do not donate cash to these people.

  7. Sue: The vast majority of cars are stolen in our neighborhood are being used for transportation and then abandoned . They target older ones that are easier to break into. They use em’ for a bit and abandon them according to the SPD. My subaru was stolen in Dec and reappeared 6 weeks later in central Seattle, with an empty tank, but otherwise ok. Very few are sent to chop shops for parts, that is more common in Ca. …

  8. My thoughts. What is happening to all these cars after they are taken? Are they being stripped for parts, taken for joy rides,resold on the black market, what?
    I had my car stolen years back by a very young boy that could barely see over the steering wheel. What I was told was there were rings of these kids doing this for an adult. Being pimped out in a way. It seems it would be helpful to look at the problem with a wider lense.

  9. Do we know the license plate on the Subaru? (though our license plate was removed; when they found our car, there was no plate on it at all).

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