Improving on a good idea:
NEW – Thanks, Maple Leaf Dog Oasis!
Old – at the park’s north entrance.
Want to make one for elsewhere in the park or neighborhood? Directions are here.
May 17
Improving on a good idea:
NEW – Thanks, Maple Leaf Dog Oasis!
Old – at the park’s north entrance.
Want to make one for elsewhere in the park or neighborhood? Directions are here.
@1: You don’t happen to own a local padlock company, do you?
I suggest that the fence along Roosevelt be used like the “Venus Bridge” in Kobe, Japan. Couples inscribe padlocks with their initials and the date, locking them to the railing of the bridge. The implication is that their love is everlasting…at least until one or the other of them returns and removes the lock, I suppose. There are thousands of locks on the bridge railing, doing no harm, and it is quite a sight and a tourist attraction. And more sanitary than that crazy Gum Wall at Pike Place Market.