Update: There is now a Sound Transit press release about this event here.
Brenda, the Tunnel Boring Machine that already bored a segment of the light rail tunnel from downtown to the University of Washington, is being given a send off this afternoon at the Maple Leaf Portal.
With speakers, ceremony and a smashed cider bottle, Brenda is on her way again from the portal across First Avenue Northeast from Silver Platters and SAS Shoes.
Two light rail tunnels will be drilled from this location to Sound Transit’s Roosevelt Station, on 12th Avenue Northeast near Northeast 65th Street.
Marcus Donner, at the Puget Sound Business Journal, has more photos here.
Sound Transit isn’t digging the tunnels. I think the contractor is JCM, a joint venture of a couple construction firms.
Editor: There are numerous details in the Sound Transit link now at the top of the post.
Well obviously you should never make assumptions about construction projects but Sound Transit seems to have a better track record than WSDOT. In fact the U-Link segment is well ahead of schedule and under budget and that was almost all tunneling. So I have more faith in these guys.
Given recent developments, it’s totally overconfident to believe this thing is going to move as scheduled.
Can we be assured by the party operating the machine AND Sound Transit that they are absolutely, positively sure there isn’t an 8 inch diameter metal well casing in the way?