Two Maple Leaf groups have let the community know that they are holding celebrations around the Easter holiday this weekend.
Both are happening on Saturday.
The Lakeview Free Methodist Church, at 9412 15th Ave. N.E., is holding its annual Carnival of Eggs on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon. All are invited.
And a relative newcomer, Lux Communities, has planned an egg hunt in the Maple Leaf Reservoir Park.
Lux Communities and Lux Coffee Company will be sponsoring a FREE Community Egg Hunt on April 19th from 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Maple Leaf Reservoir Park.
The Egg Hunt will have age graded opportunities for children 2-10 yrs. of age (roughly). It will be gathering at the Roosevelt and 85th Street side of the park. This event has been approved by the Seattle Parks Department