A controversial proposal to pick up Seattle garbage only every other week – like recycling – has been nixed by new Mayor Ed Murray.
Our news partner The Seattle Times has the story here.
Murray said the switch would create a hardship for some families and the estimated savings of 8 percent on bills wasn’t enough to justify cutting services by half. He said the city will look for other strategies to reduce the amount of recyclables and food waste going into landfills, one goal of the biweekly collection plan.
Our original post on this drew some 44 comments – from both sides.
I’m glad common sense prevailed. I think the City wanted to cut costs so they could spend more money on worthless programs with green-sounding names – but the consumers actually won this fight!
Happy with the status quo.
Eight per cent savings by cutting it in half? Maybe if we just got rid of garbage service completely we could save 16%.