We’ve come back from our unplanned down time this week.
While the site was down the Seattle School Board approved controversial boundary changes.
Our news partner The Seattle Times has an updated story here.
You can also follow the discussion at the Seattle Schools Community Forum and at the Maple Leaf Parents Facebook group.
The school district confirmed that if your student is in the new Jane Addams middle school attendance area they WILL be moved there next year, from their currently enrolled school.
This is how grandfathering is described
3) applies to resident students only. Grandfathering does not apply for attendance-area middle school students.
Now what the heck does that mean?
Bummer, I specifically moved within the boundary for eckstein so my kids would stay in the same school & now it looks like they’ll have to move FOR THEIR LAST YEAR of middle school (next year) according to the Seattle times article.
Why don’t they implement these changes for the incoming students, not those already there?!?
If you are in the Green Lake assignment area, or thought you were drawn into the Sacajawea or Wedgwood area, check the newly released district maps. They are DIFFERENT from those approved by the Board on Nov. 20 or amended by Sherry Carr. The eastern boundary was at 12th Ave NE, but now extends to anywhere from 15th Ave NE to 17th Ave NE.