Update: We’re back! Breaker failure in north substation, whatever that means. The Seattle Times is updating here.
Power out in much of Northeast Seattle!
November 8
Update: We’re back! Breaker failure in north substation, whatever that means. The Seattle Times is updating here.
Power out in much of Northeast Seattle!
My City Light bill is here, and I’m tempted to deduct 10% for the TWO power outages in the last week.
Note to self. Storing all the flashlights and headlamps in a garage that depends on an electrically powered switch is not the world’s smartest move. #oops
A Friday night in Maple Leaf with two small kids, no power and one flashlight.
Despite the inconvenience, I was reminded tonight that a community in the dark brings out the best in humanity, togetherness, helpfulness. A great excuse to get out candles, head-lamps, lanterns. Make long overdue phone calls. Have a chat with our neighbor. A reminder of how fortunate we are. I am grateful for today, all of it.
Chunks of Maple Leaf were affected. Testing the portable generator wasn’t on my evening agenda. Always good to be reminded how dependent on electricity we are.
And we’re back to our regularly scheduled program
(Cue Snap’s “I’ve Got the Power” dance tune from 1990…..) There have been soooo many times that we have lost power and our neighbors around us have their lights on. So discouraging…. It’s dark on the east side of 15th, but so far, so good on west side on 95th between 12th. Better not speak too soon…. Hopefully everyone will come back on line soon!
Substation got knocked out. Seattle map of outage dOesn’t show Maple Leaf as being affected…… the good side of that is they still haven’t discovered our hidden gem that is Maple Leaf.