Next month, prepare for work throughout Maple Leaf in preparation for the new Northgate Link Extension.
Although we wrote about utility work on First Avenue Northeast last month, Sound Transit is now saying that work will take place in the beginning of April:
In the next several weeks you will begin to see utility work to prepare for the excavation of the Maple Leaf Portal for the Northgate Link Extension. Work will begin as early as April, take place in three phases and be completed no later than July 2013.
Phase 1: Seattle City Light (SCL) will relocate poles and overhead power lines from the west to the east side of 1st Ave NE between NE 92nd and NE 97th Street. This relocation work must be done to maintain power to customers and meet standards for distances between power lines and the light rail portal.
Phase 2: Century Link will relocate overhead phone lines from the west side of 1st Ave onto the new SCL poles. They will then remove poles and abandoned overhead phone lines along the west side of 1st Ave NE between NE 97th and NE 100th Street.
Phase 3: Comcast will relocate existing overhead cables from the west side of 1st Ave NE onto the new SCL poles along the eastside of 1st Ave NE.