New Maple Leaf church Lux Communities is inviting you to its next monthly service tomorrow at 11 a.m. at Maple Leaf Evangelical Church, 1059 N.E. 96th St. Micah Dodson with Lux tells us:
The focus of the gathering is an invitation to unconditional love. Love is a topic we think a great deal about during the holidays. We do so much to find, secure, and keep the love we desire. God’s love in contrast is one that can not be earned by any degree of effort and can not be lost by any degree of betrayal. Please invite a friend and join us as we enter into the new year and reflect on God’s invitation to unconditional love.
Photo provided by Lux Communities.
Tomorrow’s service is Lux Communities’ second at Maple Leaf Evangelical Church, which offers a traditional service at 10 a.m. every Sunday, followed by a contemporary service such as Lux Communities’ at 11 a.m.
Dodson says the service will include food from local vendors, stories and songs, and that the church plans to add more services in the near future. He adds:
Lux means light and this new church exists to encounter and extend the light of God. As part of our name, “communities” reflects our desire to start many new communities that meet in homes throughout the week to practice four habits: serving our neighborhoods, sharing hospitality (a fancy word for partying), having spiritual conversations, and resting from the busyness of life.