Michael on Northeast 97th Street and 15th Avenue Northeast told us today that he woke up to his car prowled and mail strewn in the yard:
Our car was prowled last night. Nothing taken but a box of student material was tossed about in our front yard and the neighbors mail was strewn in our yard as well. I strongly urge everyone to get a locking mailbox. I constantly see mailboxes in this immediate area open and the mail all over the ground. Use your workplace as your shipping address if possible too. If you do not have a locking mailbox it’s just a matter of time.
We just put in a 16 unit locking CBU (Cluster Box Unit). It got rid of three separate (and ugly) groups of mailboxes, improving the streetscape. It has two secure package delivery stations, and a secure outgoing mail slot. Cost was about $120 per house. We used David Houston of Mailsafe Locking Mailboxes LLC.
They installed the concrete pad and CBU, coordinated keys, connected with the Post Office to get their special locks installed.
All in all, a good deal, no muss no fuss. No more stolen mail for me or my neighbors. All of my neighbors agreed to do it because we all have had mail disappear too often.