North East Seattle Together – the new “virtual village for seniors” – has its full public launch today.
Many neighbors have followed NEST’s progress over the past three years, watching as it organized, became a 501(c)3 and raised over $100,000 from the community. It was featured in the Seattle Times and by KUOW Public Radio.
NEST is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that will be supported primarily by membership dues. It serves 14 neighborhoods in northeast Seattle – including Maple Leaf, Wedgwood, View Ridge and the University District – with a wide assortment of services, including transportation, simple household tasks, shopping and many, many more activities that are described on its website.
In February, NEST launched for Founding Members, who became the first to benefit from the community and support services that NEST provides to keep seniors safe in their own homes. Channel 13,, has video here.
For more information email or call 206-525-6378.
Disclosure: Mike, the author of this post, is also a NEST board member.