February 17

Masked Dog Oasis bandit caught in act



On Thursday afternoon Holly emailed us:

I spotted this critter at about 3:30 feasting on dog biscuits at the doggie oasis. I shooed him away and screwed the lid back on the “raccoon-proof” thermos, and stepped back only to watch the raccoon climb back over the fence, lay the thermos on its side, and spin the lid off again. I shooed him away again and put the lid on even tighter. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Urban wildlife. Harrumph.

About the author 

Sara W

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  1. The raccoons around here usually travel in packs of 3 or 4. I’m guessing she/he has a family to feed. Does seem like an interesting opportunity to find a way to outsmart them. 😉

  2. The looks like Rocky. 3:30 PM? Brazen.
    If you put a combination lock on the treat can, and write the combination on the board, better write it backwards. That will delay them a bit.

  3. That bloated overweight raccoon is obviously suffering greatly. Cheddar is right, we need to do something for these endangered metropolitan raccoons before there aren’t any left.

  4. He had already placed several biscuits into the bowl of water. It appears he was planning to leave a thank-you note with the red marker when he was done.

  5. Thanks for the story and picture, Holly! Nature is unforgiving… Our cities and spawl are nothing short of cruel to/intolerant of wildlife. It’s nice to see this critter game the system… Sorry Dog Oasis, but something tells me our domesticated pooches will endure…

  6. This might be one of the gang having a fight on our roof last night. My hubby accidentally left a crockpot of stew on the porch to cool, and the raccoons were fighting over it. They didn’t get the lid off, though. Whew!

  7. I suspect this the critter that’s figured out how to knock my bird feeder out of the tree and then rolls it around the yard to get the seed out of it.

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