This one goes out to you, Mapleleafer, and to you, 15th Ave Resident, and to Anon, and Sue and Gwen and Donna and the host of other folks who’ve commented on traffic and speeding since Maple Leaf Life got going.
Late this summer the Maple Leaf Community Council voted to voted to acquire a radar gun so local residents could target speeders in the neighborhood.
They’re getting a speed sign, presumably somewhat similar to the one at right, as well.
The news was in the latest council newsletter, which should have arrived at your doorstep last week.
According to the council:
The cost of speed measurement and display gear has plummeted in recent years. We authorized the spending of a few hundred dollars to acquire the gear. The plan is to use it to measure speeds in problem areas of the neighborhood as well as to deploy it to remind drivers to slow down.
We’re still working out policies, procedures and safety measures, but we expect to be able to start using the gear later in 2011.
Interested? Leave a comment or email the council’s David Miller, David.Miller (at)
We have some woodwork and painting to do in order to get the sign prepped. I’m trying to make time to get that done. We’re also trying to get some info out of SDOT about speed data collection methodology. Once this is all in place, we’ll start working on the list of people who want our help to collect data and provide a visual cue for drivers to slow down.
This was inspired by the frankly surprisingly good outcomes on 15th from the radar signs there.
Stay tuned also for the legislative session in January when a bill will be presented that allows cities to set their own speed limits on non-arterials. Hopefully we can work on this to get lower speed limits on our streets in Maple Leaf.
Correction, as I was half asleep when posting. The problem area is 88th and 5th. My apologies.
I’d love to test it out on 5th Ave. past 92nd until 103rd going northbound. It seems to get quite a few speeders down the hill.
To the police officer who didn’t stop for me at 88th and 8th the other day:
You are just one of the reasons we have so much civil unrest going on right now. It would be nice if you could set an example while on patrol and stop for a pedestrian at a crosswalk. It’s the law.
Trying to get people to stop there is a serious ongoing problem. I’d recommend another traffic light but having seen 4 people run red lights and 2 cars driving the wrong way down one way streets in a matter of days… No point.